From: [96 dag] at [] (David A Gerstein) Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.misc Subject: Re: First super hero? Date: 26 Apr 1994 17:49:55 -0400 Dear Folks, I believe that the first superhero created within a comic book (as opposed to as a pulp) was....... Donald Duck! Well, certainly the first superhero in the classic "normal person suddenly given amazing powers" mode. It was in the 1937 Italian comic-book story "Donald Duck and the Secret of Mars" that Donald discovered a mad scientist's bizarre plot to concentrate the sun's rays into a source of constant adrenaline flow. During the story's climax, Donald is accidentally subjected to the concentrated rays, and immediately gets infinite strength, socking out the villain and hordes of thugs with single blows. He is able to keep hold of the villain's rocket ship as it soars through the air, then pries the top off of it like the lid on a can of sardines. Ultimately, Donald's power wears off, and he causes the source of the power to be destroyed in the end, but the story is a landmark just the same. We have a fellow name of Federico Pedrocchi to thank for it. This obscure story -- the first Italian Donald Duck story drawn, and in fact the first long Donald adventure, period -- is to be published by Gladstone Comics in June in their 60th Anniversary issue of DONALD DUCK, #286. This will be the first American publication of the story. There are two new stories in the issue too, as well as additional vintage material from 1935 and 1943. Check it out -- should be a truly great issue. David Gerstein <[David A Gerstein] at []>