From: [j r m] at [] (Geoffrey R Mason)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Heroes World's New Structure
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 96 05:29:29 GMT

[Here's the official press release]


Heroes World announces the restructuring of its distribution
operations, centered on consolidated central shipping. Tom
Greenebaum, Heroes World Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer
explains the revised operations as "Our next step in engineering
a state of the art distribution system, focused on fast, efficient
weekly orders." The new distribution system, scheduled to begin in
April 1996, replaces all weekly shipments with UPS delivery, closing
operations at all five US regional facilities.  Centralized operations
will also phase out packaging and shipping currently based in Long
Island City, NY and Randolph, NJ by the end of June.

Heroes World's ongoing research has identified central packaging as
the best method for restructure, explained by Greenebaum as "One
unified base of distribution streamlining our service, reducing
errors, and providing a stable base for future expansion." Additional
benefits of the new Heroes World structure include:

- Complete inventory access, stored in one location. Customers
can place unlimited orders for backlist, trading cards, licensed
merchandise, or back issue comics, and count on their arrival.
- Consolidated packaging, with more product in fewer boxes.
- Increased re-order availability, through stringent inventory control.

"Our changes are designed with the clear goal of increased service
and improved delivery, to our retail accounts." adds VP, Sales Matt
Ragone.  "Accounts can expect uninterrupted service through the
transition, and look forward to noticeable improvements in the coming
months," concludes Greenebaum, "We look forward to beginning our
second year of Marvel distribution with renewed organization, and
unlimited potential."

Geoffrey R. Mason		  |	[j r m] at []
Editor - indy Magazine		  |	611 NW 34th Drive
College of Law - Univ of Florida  |	Gainesville, Florida 32607-2429