From: LAWRENCE Everard <[100424 1015] at []>
Subject: Rich's Revelations: Marvel and more
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 95 21:23:28 GMT

Rich's Revelations: Marvel and More.

Take all of the below with spoonfuls of salt. Unless they are confirmed by the
creators or companies involved, do not take the following as the gospel of

Bloody hell! This Marvel/ Image nonsense, eh? Hulk being cancelled? But like...
that made a profit didn't it? And it brought to light comic talents like Todd
McFarlane, Erik Larsen, Sam Kieth, Dale Keown, Gary Frank, Liam Sharp.. who all
left to other companies... ah...

But could it be that one of the conditions for Extreme and Wildstorm taking on
the Marvel contract, is the cancellation of Hulk? Hulk will become part of the
Avengers title, and Liefeld will be exchanging art duties with Erik Larsen.
Larsen wants to do an Avengers/Hulk battle, and who knows how many digs at David
he'll get in. Well, if Peter David fancies writing a comic called The Savage
Drag, I'd love to publish it.

As for the cancellation of Thor... Mike Deodato has a contract with Marvel to do
a long run on Thor.... unless its cancelled. Does Liefeld or Lee want Deodato
for a series from Image?

None of this will happen until October anyway, and Marvel have a lot of provisos
in the contract. It's possible that they could take the license away after 4

As co-president of Twist and Shout Comics, I would like to license a Marvel
character. I'm sure many of you would too. So let's have an auction. I'll put
$20 down for Devil Dinosaur for starters.

Distributor and publisher Slab-O-Concrete is publishing an annual full of stuff.
100 pages, entitled Yow! Annual 1996, you can get yours for 3 pounds fifty pee,
from PO Box 148, Hove BN3 3DQ

Barry Windsor-Smith has signed with Dark Horse to publish Paradox Man, Young
Gods and Freeboters. We know that already. But this line may extend to other
creators, creating a rival to Legend within Dark Horse. Named creators include
Bernie Wrightson (already doing Aliens for DH), Howard Chaykin, Jim Starlin,
George Perez and Walter Simonson. Since a number of these are on-line, would any
of them like to confirm?

Mind you, Windsor-Smith has confessed that the deal with Dark Horse wasn't
signed until 8 weeks after San Diego, when the Smith line was promoted by DH.

Been reading the Timeslip series in Marvel Vision? Kelly Jones' Thing, Mike
Allred's Spider-man... well watch for a series in 1996 based around these kind
of concepts, modern creators doing their redesigned versions of Marvel
characters from the original briefs.

Lots of JLA talk, yes? At the UKCAC, Mike Carlin hinted at Grant Morrison, and
there has been corroboratory evidence since. Could we see an Injustice League of
Dada for example?

Just how large will the Sandman logo be, on upcoming series The Dreaming or The

Warren Ellis to write Stormwatch.

Does Waid have an exclusive contract with Marvel, similar to Humberto Ramos
(formerly of Impulse?)

DC Comics has lost Star Trek and Next Gen, Malibu is losing Deep Space, just in
time for Paramount Comics' debut. Malibu, shouldn't be too put out, since DS9
gets cancelled at the end of the fourth season. According to Jan Straczynski,

So how do you publish Alan Moore's Twilight without getting legal problems from
DC? Maybe the characters in Twilight, like Hyperman, Batbloke, Rip Van Tinkle
and Captain Marble might have some ideas...

Rich Johnston
Twist and Shout Comics
replies to [t--i--t] at []