From: Rich Johnston <[r--n--n] at []>
Subject: [NEWS] Rich's Revelations
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 97 14:19:33 GMT

Rich's Rotten Revelations

The ex-Bravura-now-Legend brigade may gain another entrant.
Jim Starlin has a new sci-fi proposal that he's shipping
around. And it looks like he may be the latest "Legend" to
join the crew. But please, no more Breed??

Antarctic cutting back on titles, so out goes the furry,
the manga, the adult titles (Hepcats don't vount) as many
staffers also get dropped. But Elin Winkler, now ex-AP
will continue publishing Furrlough and Genus from her
new Radio Comics, with special projects including a
sketchbppk from the recent Eisner-winning Stan Sakai.

Marvel may be reviving SHIELD again.. but under Jim
Steranko! SHIELD: Year One, as a GN or a lim series
shows Nick Fury's career after World War 2.

So who is Image getting on its lists? As well as the
already announced books, when certain contracts end,
books like Cyberfrog, The Crow, Hilly Rose, Creed, Dawn
and Milk & Cheese all seem to be moving or are being
persuaded to move. What price marketshare?

It looks like Diamond may be giving the Comico treatment
to Maximum. Missed deadlines, late shipping product and
a bad attitude has meant that Maximum has lost their
"preferred vendor" status with Diamond.

V for Vendetta? Remember the stories about the possible
film treatment? Well how would you like it if the film
was set in the States in the year 2047 with the state
police, the fingermen being played by half men-half goat
hybrids? Start shuddering now. One wag involved sent
Warner his treatment of how the film should be handled.
He enclosed the graphic novel.

Simon Bisley is not well, and has recently suffered his
fourth stroke. His low workload of late has been ordered
by his doctors.

A nerw series of awards is being set up in Britain, run
by Mark Buckjingham and Kev F Sutherland. But if
anyone fancies ringing up 0891 22 44 22 from Britain and
voting X-Flies as the Best British Comic Ever I won't stop
you. Ah, we all know that either Viz or 2000AD will get it

Rich's Revelations are now archived at

Oh, and X-Flies Bug Hunt 1 is definitely in the shops.
Diamond seem to have been having "fun" with the shipments.

Rich Johnston <[r--n--n] at []>