1 envelope gelatin                    ⅛ tsp salt
        ¼ cup cold water                      ½ tsp vanilla
        2 eggs, separated                     1 cup boiling water
        ⅔ cup sweetened condensed milk        

Soften the gelatin in the cold water in a medium bowl, letting stand for about five minutes. Beat the egg yolks until lemon-colored, then stir in the milk, salt, and vanilla. Pour the boiling water over the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Then, stir the gelatin into the milk mixture.

Beat the egg whites to soft peaks. Chill the milk mixture over ice water, stirring constantly, until it reaches the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Fold in the egg whites.

Pour into a rinsed mold or dessert cups and chill in the refrigerator several hours or overnight. Serve alone, or with fruit and whipped cream.

Adapted from “Borden’s Eagle Brand 70 Magic Recipes” (1952). Discover more vintage recipes at the Padgett Sunday Supper Club (clubpadgett.com)!