FILLING                             TOPPING
        4 cups cooked, diced chicken        1-¼ cup sifted flour
        ¾ cup butter                        ½ tsp salt
        ¾ cup flour                         2 tsp baking powder
        1 tsp salt                          4 eggs, separated
        ⅛ tsp pepper                        1 cup milk
        2 cups chicken stock                2 tbsp melted butter
        2 cups light cream                  
        1 tbsp lemon juice                  

FILLING: Melt butter over low heat. Add flour; stir until smooth. Add salt and pepper, and slowly stir in the stock and cream. Cook about 15 minutes until thickened. Remove from heat. Add the lemon juice, mix in the chicken, and turn into an oblong baking pan.

TOPPING: Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together. Beat egg yolks until light and beat in the milk and butter. Stir lightly into the flour. Beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry and fold into the batter. Pour over the creamed chicken. Bake at 425° for 12-15 minutes.

Adapted from “Our Favorite Recipes” (1962), White Cloud, Michigan. Discover more vintage recipes at the Padgett Sunday Supper Club (!