2 cups raisins                  2-½ cups flour
     water                           1 tbsp baking soda
     2 cups sugar                    1 tbsp cinnamon
     ½ cup butter                    1 tsp cloves
     2 eggs                          1 tsp allspice
     2 cups chopped walnuts          flour
     2 cups applesauce               

Soak the raisins in water while prepping the other ingredients. Cream the sugar and butter together, then add the eggs and beat well. Mix in the nuts and applesauce. Sift together the flour, soda, cloves, allspice, and cinnamon and beat to incorporate into the sugar mixture.

Drain the raisins and shake or dredge them in flour to coat. Add to the cake batter and mix well. Bake in a buttered and floured tube pan at 350° for about an hour and ten minutes.

Serve plain, dusted with sugar, or topped with caramel frosting.

Adapted from “Home Cooking Secrets of Charlotte” (1958). Discover more vintage recipes at the Padgett Sunday Supper Club (!