- Trickle down lying: What Wisconsin teaches us about the national news media
- On the one hand, “cut budgets, not costs” is a very California theology, so it’s not impossible that it exists in Wisconsin, too. On the other hand, when all the news is biased, it’s amazing that Walker gets as much support as he does.
- Wisconsin Democrats run on anti-jobs program
- Working through college as a waitress is laughable to Wisconsin Democrats.
More Information
- Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania
- “In the three Midwest battleground states, vote counting irregularities persist in an election that will be decided on razor-thin margins.”
- Promises Kept
- “Let’s keep moving Wisconsin forward.”
- Scott Walker for Wisconsin Governor
- “Moving Wisconsin forward.”
- Skewed Sample Data Used In PPP Wisconsin “Do Over” Poll
- “Put together, the PPP voter sample used to show a huge swing since November appears to have accomplished the result by underweighting Walker voters and overweighting union households. This is particularly important since PPP claims (in the quote above) that it was a shift in union household voting patterns which was most prominent.”