Negative Space: Texas Plan
- ACLU calls for repeal of slavery amendments!
Venerable civil rights organization makes claim that only the Framers of the United States constitution should have ever been allowed to propose amendments.
- Broken but Unbowed
Texas Governor Greg Abbott talks about how he survived the accident that paralyzed him, and how the United States can survive the system that paralyzes it.
- Should we hold regular elections for Supreme Court Justices?
Electing Supreme Court Judges creates more national elections at a time when the nationalization of politics is already one of the biggest drivers of contentiousness in elections.
- The Texas Plan: Power to the People
Governor Abbott’s “Texas Plan” moves power closer to the people of each state. It should increase participation in government and decrease unreasoning partisanship.
More Information
- Broken But Unbowed• (hardcover)
Governor Greg Abbott’s heartfelt appeal to break the system that paralyzes local businesses and that divides American nationally. (Greg Abbott)