- The Reader revisits Reverend King’s Meloncollie Dream
Hark Thrice the Walkerville Weekly Reader’s columnist emeritus, recalls Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most important speech on its 55th anniversary. All animals are created peaceful… but some are more peaceful than others.
- But the rhetoric’s so much better here under the tragedy!
Want to stop domestic terrorism? Take seriously those who say they want to kill. Want to stop the oppression of women and the gay community? Take seriously those who say they want to literally enslave women and kill gays.
- Dr. Frank N. Furter: the left’s answer to transgender bathrooms
The left thinks transgenders are murderous, cannialistic rapists. And they approve.
- The left says gays are pedophiles
April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month, and the Left seems to be taking every opportunity to mainstream child abuse. Like every other vulnerable community the Left claims to support, the Left believes that gays and the LGBT community are inferior and criminal.
- Mitt Romney Day 2021: The West Side Left
Coronavirus Calvinball? Only some black lives matter? Riots are protests and protests are riots? Who shall win the coveted Mitt Romney Day Award for 2021?
More Information
- What the Black Man Wants
- “Speech of Frederick Douglass at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society at Boston.”