Negative Space: Russia
- Clinton accuses Russia of infiltrating United States government
Worried about falling poll numbers in working-class states, Clinton campaign identifies, addresses, a key concern of middle-class: the Soviet threat to the United States electoral process.
- Comparing our Iran negotiations to our Soviet negotiations
Natan Sharansky asks, "When did America forget that it’s America?” He is basically pointing out the same thing I did: that we are not defining civilization as better than barbarism.
- Foreign policy is not a deal?
Peace isn’t a deal, foreign policy isn’t a deal. That doesn’t leave room for much except war. Whose children will you send to keep that war going?
- The Hillary Clinton e-mail ‘scandal’ that isn’t
There’s no there here, and it doesn’t affect her campaign. Nothing in the law says felons can’t be President.
- Ice creamy: more no-churn ice cream recipes
If eight ice cream recipes isn’t enough, how about six more? Try ice cream with evaporated milk, condensed milk, and with nothing but cream.
- Socialism, Alcoholism, and the Russian Working Classes before 1917
- George E. Snow, despite mentioning it in the opening paragraphs, has no actual discussion of anti-Semitism as it related to Russian temperance.
- We the Living
Ayn Rand’s semi-autobiographical We the Living gives us a good look at how people survived in Soviet Russia following the revolution.
More Information
- Russian Cooking
The 1969 Time-Life Foods of the World volume for the Soviet Union.
- Darkness at Noon• (paperback)
“During Stalin's purges, Nicholas Rubashov, an aging revolutionary, is imprisoned and psychologically tortured by the party he has devoted his life to. Under mounting pressure to confess to crimes he did not commit, Rubashov relives a career that embodies the ironies and betrayals of a revolutionary dictatorship that believes it is an instrument of liberation.” (Arthur Koestler)
- A Russian Jew Cooks in Peru• (paperback)
A beautiful book with wonderful recipes, each hand-written. (Violeta Autumn)
- Gramscian damage
“Another consequence of Stalin’s meme war is that today’s left-wing antiwar demonstrators wear kaffiyehs without any sense of how grotesque it is for ostensible Marxists to cuddle up to religious absolutists who want to restore the power relations of the 7th century CE. In Stalin’s hands, even Marxism itself was hollowed out to serve as a memetic weapon—it became increasingly nihilist, hatred-focused and destructive. The postmodern left is now defined not by what it’s for but by what it’s against: classical-liberal individualism, free markets, dead white males, America, and the idea of objective reality itself.”
“The first step to…”