- Bush loses critical poll support
- An off-hand remark last night may have cost the president critical support during a time of flagging polls.
- Poll gives Obama his worst marks yet
Six months before election day, Americans have a bleaker view of the country’s direction than at any time in more than three decades, and they attribute it to President Obama’s handling of gasoline prices and the rest of the economy.
- Watching Trump ‘end run’ YouTube videos dangerous, says press
Public should be wary of watching President-elect Donald Trump’s YouTube videos without proper media analysis, says Chris Cuomo, CNN.
- Why is Intrade so lopsided?
- If the polls are so skewed, why does Intrade match them?
More Information
- Skewed Sample Data Used In PPP Wisconsin “Do Over” Poll
- “Put together, the PPP voter sample used to show a huge swing since November appears to have accomplished the result by underweighting Walker voters and overweighting union households. This is particularly important since PPP claims (in the quote above) that it was a shift in union household voting patterns which was most prominent.”