- Big government demands a nanny state
Big government ensures that voters will demand a nanny state. They can’t afford not to police their neighbors when they pay for the poor choices their neighbors make.
- Clinton calls for institutionalizing, curing, Trump supporters
After Republican Donald Trump calls for a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s email server, Hillary Clinton calls for beating Trump supporters. Journalists immediately investigate voter who asked question about health care.
- Democrats endorse public school elections, teacher recalls?
Should legislators and teachers be evaluated for job performance in the same way? A group called Winning Democrats suggests that public school teachers should be elected positions rather than tenured, and that teachers should be subject to recall by the communities they serve.
- Should we hold regular elections for Supreme Court Justices?
Electing Supreme Court Judges creates more national elections at a time when the nationalization of politics is already one of the biggest drivers of contentiousness in elections.