Negative Space: Nobody For President
- Don’t wait—capitulate
- The ACLU’s doomed campaign against telecom immunity is a classic example of why you have to be willing to vote for Nobody if you want to be taken seriously in politics.
- How not to convince your reps
- Copyright reform is likely to go the way of medical marijuana unless its supporters are willing to vote for candidates that do something about it.
- Nobody for President Anti-Apathy Movement
Feel like you got nobody to vote for? Fine: vote for Nobody.
- Nobody for President in 1996
Your vote doesn’t count worth shit. Deal with it.
- Nobody in 2000
- If you want to win in this election, vote for Nobody.
- Nobody Isn’t Partisan
- Partisanship always trumps principle, but this year is worse than any I can recall. If Nobody were on the ballot, he’d have a good chance of winning. With the election as close as any in recent years, Nobody might still garner a majority.
- Nobody Likes the Electoral System
- The “winner-takes-all” electoral system is an integral part of the United States system of checks and balances, balancing the rights of regional minorities against the power of national majorities.
- Nobody wants immigration reform
“Immigration is not a problem to be solved.” A confident and successful electorate could understand that issues are more important than who you hate. Unreasoning partisanship, however, is a problem that often seems as if it has no solution.
- Nobody’s Banners and Marks
Show your support for “Nobody” for President.
- The politics of fear in Delaware
- I’m with Palin and the NRA in Delaware. We know how Mike Castle will vote if he wins, because we know his record. O’Donnell probably got the Palin endorsement on her own merits; but she got the NRA endorsement on Mike Castle’s merits.
- Romney-Ryan 2012: It’s the only way to be sure
A highly partisan environment has one major advantage: it means we have a choice.
- Term limits
- Term limit proposals avoid real problems. They’re a superficial solution at best. Efforts directed towards enacting term limits waste time and money that could be spent solving the underlying problems: a lack of new ideas and an ability to hide legislative bribery.
- Vote Nobody in 2008?
- Staying at home doesn’t send a message. Voting based on issues rather than party does.
- Voting Nobody in 2016
You want an election where Nobody is worth voting for? You’ve got it.