- The Case for Democracy
When did America forget that it’s America?
- The Dream Palace of the Arabs
This is a great introduction to the strange factions of the Arab world, the Shiites, the Sunnis, the Orthodox Christians of Lebanon, Saddam Hussein vs. the princes of Kuwait.
- Glaciers retreat from Middle East
As glaciers flee the desert, they leave once-frozen ancient barbarians behind.
- Intellectuals waive reality
The left keeps saying strong words and boots on the ground will mean more terrorists. But this is something that can be tested against the real world, and the reality appears to be extremely different.
- Lessons for new Presidents: Entangling long-term alliances
How will our foreign policy change after President Obama’s Fortress America?
- Ohio resists Michigan suicide bombers, rekindles Toledo War
What are the grievances that lead to suicide bombers in Ohio? Michiganders fight for stolen land and right of return to the Buckeye State.
- Who wants the United States to lead?
After Paris, can we still wonder whether it’s a better idea for the United States to leave world peace to bickering tyrants?
More Information
- The Case for Democracy• (paperback)
- Natan Sharansky makes a compelling case that it is in our national interest to link our relations with dictators to the freedom they allow under their rule. That the best way to ensure that a dictatorship becomes a democracy is to require the dictator to allow their subjects to escape their dictatorship, and that democracies are the best chance for peace. (Natan Sharansky)