Negative Space: megadungeons
- Dwimmermount is here!
The Maliszewski/Macris/Allison 13-level megadungeon has arrived. And it’s 400 pages of maps and craziness.
- Fight On! 7 is out (and I’m in)
- Fight On! issue 7 is out; look for a Gods and Monsters adventure inside.
- House of Gold, House of Passages
The emperor Nero’s House of Gold sounds like the backstory of a great megadungeon right under the adventurers’ sandaled feet.
- The Isle of Mordol
- An island a thousand miles from Specularum, filled with monsters and superstitious townfolk.
- A legendary ancient manor
A five-hundred year-old manor built on ancient burial grounds and tied to a mysterious immortal? Where do I sign up?