HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a simple means of “marking up” text so that it can be displayed on the web and in any HTML-based browser. HTML is a simple language, and is well suited for display across a wide variety of situations.
- All the News that Fits the Page
- Web browsers automatically adjust for the best presentation, unless you do extra work to stop them from adjusting.
- But How?
- Web browsers ignore HTML tags they don’t understand.
- Carnival of HTML
- Creating basic web pages with straight HTML code and a pre-existing style sheet.
- Cascading style sheets and HTML
- You can use style sheets to simplify your web pages, making them readable across a wide variety of browsers and situations, without sacrificing presentation quality.
- Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide
- Cascading style sheets really kick ass. Once you start using them, you’ll find it hard to imagine what you did without them.
- The Colour of my True Love’s Page
- Messing with colors just gets you deeper into the rabbit hole.
- Django: fix_ampersands and abbreviations
- The fix_ampersands filter will miss some cases where ampersands need to be replaced.
- Easy Web Design
- Creating basic web pages with Netscape Composer/SeaMonkey.
- ELinks text-only web browser
- If you need a text browsers on Mac OS X, the ELinks browser compiles out of the box.
- Finding Your Center
- The center tag version centered alignment.
- Flash on iPhone not in anybody’s interest
- Flash on iPhone is not in the interest of people who buy iPhones. The only people who really want it are poor web designers who can’t get out of 1992.
- HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide
- I’ve never found an HTML book that I’ve considered great. This one is probably the best. It covers just about everything in HTML, as well as a little bit of Cascading Style Sheets.
- iPhone development another FairPlay squeeze play?
- Why no iPhone-only applications? Is it short-sightedness on Apple’s part, or are they trying to encourage something big?
- Java is an Island
- There are two types of Java. There are two ways of using Javascript… if you think complexity doubles at each step, you’re thinking like a programmer.
- Javascript: The Definitive Guide
- Javascript gets a bad rap on the web, mostly because of advertisers who abuse its ability to open windows, which is too bad, because Javascript can do some really nice things for web surfers.
- The Library of the Future
- As near as I can tell, the “net of the future” is a Santa Claus that’s supposed to give us whatever we want whenever we want it. But can it really be that simple?
- Nisus HTML script now handles floating content
- My Nisus simple HTML publish script now handles floating images and floating text boxes.
- Nisus HTML script now handles tables
- My Nisus HTML publishing script now handles converting tables to HTML tables.
- Nisus “clean HTML” macro
- The Nisus macro language is Perl; this means we can use all of Perl’s strengths as a text filter scripting language in Nisus.
- Object-oriented HTML with Python
- Simple HTML creation within Python scripts, using a hierarchical organization of HTML parts.
- Or What’s an Image For?
- The zen of images without images.
- PHP: Hot Pages
- Basic PHP to store form data and maintain sessions.
- The Picture of HTML (1993)
- Ah, the old days of HTML. Random tags, one browser, unknown scope.
- Representing code in HTML
- A minor epiphany that may not be new to others on how to display programming and HTML code in HTML.
- Serving Up
- What do you need to know if you want to publish something on the Internet?
- Spending More Money
- You can even provide different pages for different browsers.
- Style Sheets
- Style sheets allow you to create your own HTML tags.
- Underlining: Curse of the Devil
- In ancient days long forgotten, computer screens didn’t have color. In order to show a link, the link text was underlined.
- Web Design for the Rest of Them
- Prepare yourself to enter the mid-1990s, when not all browsers supported tables, let alone javascript and style sheets. This ancient tutorial discusses writing pages to support browsers with varying support of the new-fangled web.
- Web display of Taskpaper file
- It is easy to use PHP to convert a Taskpaper task file into simple HTML conducive to styling via CSS.
- Webmaster in a Nutshell
- Without doubt the best reference work for webmasters that you’ll find. It contains the “reference” part of most of O’Reilly’s web-relevant nutshell books. You can find references for HTML 3.2, the CGI standard, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, PHP, the HTTP 1.1 protocol, and configuration statements and server-side includes for the Apache/NCSA webservers.
- What is a Majority of the Net?
- If you design well, you’re designing for everyone.
- When You’ve Been Framed!
- Whoa. Frames. You hate ’em right? I hate ’em myself!
- You Can’t Fool All the People All the Time.
- Sometimes you need to choose whether to break old browsers that sucked a lot, or break new browsers that suck moderately less.
More Information
- Django
- “Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.” Oh, the sweet smell of pragmatism.
- Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide•
- If you’re doing web pages that use stylistic enhancements, you should really be using style sheets and this book will get you there. If you understand HTML, you will find CSS a snap to use. This is a well-written book by the number one CSS expert.
- Fraise
- Fraise is the successor to the great text editor Smultron. It’s an easy-to-use, powerful, free, text editor with tabs, split windows, syntax coloring, and more.
- W3C's Excessive DTD Traffic
- “A while ago we put a system in place to monitor our servers for abusive request patterns and send 503 Service Unavailable responses with custom text depending on the nature of the abuse. Our hope was that the authors of misbehaving software and the administrators of sites who deployed it would notice these errors and make the necessary fixes to the software responsible.”