Negative Space: honorary blog post
- 42 Astounding Scripts is live!
Ready to get your retro on? Type in programs for your Macintosh and make it play music, roll dice, and talk to you? Customize your services menu? 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh is the book for you!
- 42 Astounding Scripts, Catalina edition
I’ve updated 42 Astounding Scripts for Catalina, and added “one more thing”.
- 8 (bit) Days of Christmas: Day 1 (Do You Hear What I Hear?)
For day 1 of the 8 (bit) days of Christmas, John Mosley’s “Do You Hear What I Hear?” from the December, 1987, Rainbow Magazine. Mosley coaxes four-voice music out of the CoCo 1 and 2 using a machine-language program.
- Amazing Grace (Common Melody)
- Amazing Grace, by John Newton, with melody by Edwin O. Excell, 1900. This is the commonly-known melody for Amazing Grace.
- Bluetooth battery early warning system
Use GeekTool, or crontab or launchd and notifications, to know when your bluetooth batteries need recharging.
- Building the Replica 1 Plus Apple 1 kit
The Apple 1 kit from Briel/ReactiveMicro is an amazing piece of history, and a lot of fun.
- Commemorate Patriot Day with Betsy Ross
The Declaration of Independence overlaid on the Betsy Ross flag.
- Critical (fantasy) race theory
It isn’t racist to address D&D characters by their race. D&D character races are things the character can do. It is racist to imply that real world races are as inferior and superior as fantasy races. Woke racism is still racism.
- The Cult of the Cult of Gygax™
It was never a secret to us back in the day that the staff at TSR played the game themselves, and that they played the game with custom rules and custom worlds.
- Have a Merry Scripting Christmas with Persistence of Vision
The ASCII Merry Christmas from Astounding Scripts was taken from a scene I created in Persistence of Vision. It’s a very simple scene that highlights many of the advantages of using POV to create images.
- Have yourself a musical command line…
…Make your scripting gay. From now on your errors will be miles away!
- Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
One of my favorite tunes, and perfect for Easter, is Reginald Heber’s hymn of praise beginning with “Early in the morning, your song shall rise to Thee”. It’s filled with evocative lyrics and a rousing, joyous melody by the Reverend John B. Dykes.
- House on Crane Hill at North Texas 2019
I’ll be running House on Crane Hill on Thursday evening at North Texas this year. If you enjoy the old Haunting-inspired books and movies, come and join us!
- How Great Thou Art
Then sings my soul…
- I have read a fiery gospel
“Be swift my soul to answer him, be jubilant my feet.” Written a hundred and fifty-nine years ago today, this rousing abolitionist song remains a fiery call for freedom from tyranny.
- The Immaculate Deception: The Navarro Report 2.0 (1.3 MB)
- “This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states. Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage.”
- Let mortal tongues awake
Samuel Francis Smith’s America—more commonly known as “My Country, ’Tis of Thee”— is short, direct, and a wonderful hymn to God as the soul of liberty. It’s a perfect hymn for the Fourth of July. It’s also very easy to play using the piano script from 42 Astounding Scripts.
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie. Play this song on your Mac’s command line with the piano script.
- Save clipboard text to the current folder
Use the Finder toolbar to save text on the current clipboard directly to a file in the folder that Finder window is displaying.
- Senator Kamala Harris calls for slavery reparations
California Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris calls on Democrats to support reparations to descendants of former slaves, and to descendants of Union soldiers who died freeing them.
- The Soul Felt It’s Worth
“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices…” What is a soul worth? For God, a soul is worth his son.
- Sparkling lights for Christmas
This POV-Ray scene file will animate sparkling lights against a green background. If you want to make three dimensional images with lots of similar objects and then animate them, this will show you how to do it.
- The Star-Spangled Banner in MIDI
What could be more appropriate for the fireworks of the Fourth of July than a song about bombs bursting in air, illuminating a great flag rippling defiantly to a hostile world?
- A thousand points of color: give your photos a pointillist turn
I had far too much fun with that kleenex mask in the book. Here’s a more serious look at creating pointellated images using the asciiArt script in 42 Astounding Scripts.
- The True History of the Hare and the Tortoise
And even to this day, “a glorious victory for the forces of swiftness” is a catch-phrase in the house of the snail.
- Was table-top gaming inevitable?
Gods & Monsters rolls an 18 for age today, pioneer game writer Greg Stafford died two weeks ago, and stories about the early days of gaming has me wondering, was the discovery of table-top gaming a perfect storm, or was it inevitable?