Negative Space: gay marriage
- Being illiberal: Same sex gun sales
If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a “christian” baker participated in their marriage, does selling a gun to a murderer mean a “christian” gun store owner participated in murder?
- A compromise proposal for Kentucky Quakers
The left’s hypothetical Quaker already exists across the country, denying carry licenses because he disagrees with a constitutional right to bear arms.
- Democrats fear gay right wing court nominee
- Liberal politicians are aghast at Bush Supreme Court nominee’s support of gay marriage rights and other right-wing causes.
- Government interference in the marriage contract
- There is no marriage contract. There is just a bunch of random rulings and regulations created ex post facto.
- Mozilla Foundation fires most of California
In the aftermath of JavaScript creator and Mozilla founder Brendan Eich’s departure, the Mozilla Foundation has further outlined the limits of employment at their Mountain View offices.
- Nobody Isn’t Partisan
- Partisanship always trumps principle, but this year is worse than any I can recall. If Nobody were on the ballot, he’d have a good chance of winning. With the election as close as any in recent years, Nobody might still garner a majority.
- Nothing to Queer but Queer itself
You’re just being paranoid, America. Nobody’s forcing you to take part in gay marriage or forcing your children to approve of transsexuality. Just let them be themselves and they’ll leave you alone.
- Principle is not an automatic gainsaying of any statement the other side makes
- Mindlessly opposing what “the other side” says is not principal. And conservatives are fond of saying that anything the government can legislate, it can break. Why does that not apply to marriage?
- Quakers refusing gun permits
If a Quaker were to refuse to deport an illegal alien because of their religious beliefs, would the left denounce that government official like they’re denouncing the Kentucky Clerk who is refusing gay marriage licenses?
- Republican principles
- When John Deere starts losing the tractor business, they don’t say “let’s make ice cream”. They make better tractors.
- Voting for Nobody in New York
The Republican Party and Doug Hoffman is providing social conservatives with the perfect opportunity to vote for Nobody in New York’s 23rd district.
- What is the state’s role in marriage and the family?
The family has been changing in the United States for decades, partially because of misguided government policies. Now, same-sex marriage changes the family fundamentally. State and federal legislators should take a serious look at the state’s role in marriage and family.
- Your devil has no clothes
The others of the extreme left and right have different qualities. The others of the left—Sarah Palin, the Koch brothers, Brendan Eich, for example—voice opinions, but are otherwise fairly unobtrusive politically. They are people who would not have been an issue if they weren’t personally made an issue by the vanguard of the left.
More Information
- Enough: After Orlando, We Must Defund Planned Parenthood and Rethink Gay Marriage Ruling
“There is a word for Planned Parenthood’s role in this form of terrorism: complicity… Granted, cutting off public funding for Planned Parenthood may not have prevented what happened at the Pulse nightclub, and it may not stop future atrocities. But it we can save just one life, not to mention the countless lives targeted by abortionists, it will be worth it.”