Negative Space: tyranny of experts
- Back Seat Baby: Have airbags become a Rube Goldberg machine?
The classic prescriptive mandate is the airbag. Bulky, expensive, undeniably useful, and we have no idea what far better ideas airbags crowd out of our vehicles.
- Future Snark
Why does the past get the future wrong? More specifically, why do expert predictions always seem to be “hand your lives over to technocrats or we’ll all die?”
- King Ludd
- There are some decisions that should be left to experts, and some that should not. It makes sense that if you leave acquisitions to experts, they will recommend acquiring what they’re familiar with. And if you acquiesce to a popular vote only among experts, they will naturally choose a course of action that requires more experts.
- Toward a permanent political class
If politics has become so complicated that only a political class can manage it, then Democracy is dead. Citizens should not be allowed to become politicians, nor should they be allowed to vote for which politicians take office.
- The Tyranny of the New York Times
The New York Times joins CNN in its totalitarian views of the use of rules.
- Who killed broadcast TV?
- Broadcast television’s forecast demise may be the result of government experts thinking they know better than the rest of us.
More Information
- Meltdown of a Superpower
“It is not just that General Milley and the Joint Buffoons of Staff cannot plan; they cannot execute. Compare the 2,500 Americans evacuated from Kabul over this last week to the 7,000 Americans and allies choppered out of Saigon in just nineteen hours. Can Milley do anything in nineteen hours other than call his tailor and order up his next row of ribbonry?”
- The Power of Belief