Negative Space: Election 2024
- Network and The Running Man in 2025
One movie from the seventies and one from the eighties remain far more relevant than their contemporaries—and it’s the silliest that remains most relevant. We are living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.
- Betrayal is bad advice
It makes sense that the beltway would want to depress voter turnout by working class voters. It’s a mistake for Trump supporters to do so.
- Election 2024
- Positioning for election 2024 is already started; the campaign will heat up very quickly after November 2022.
- The left’s hatred of business is a lie
The left doesn’t hate business. They hate you and me.
- Trump, destiny, and the flood
Is it God’s plan that Trump will win and make America better, or is it God’s plan to warn us about what we can do to make America better?
- Trump, tariffs, and the war on American workers
Why do so many American workers support Trump so strongly against the wishes of their union leadership? Partly because only Trump recognizes that we’re in a war targeting American workers.
- Who is Trump running against?
If Trump runs against Biden, he’ll lose, just like he did in 2020: by getting more votes but fewer ballots. It looks like Trump understands that. He’s not running against Biden. He’s running against the Democrats and Republicans who put Biden in power.
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- The Don’s Early Light
“And he’s still here. That’s testament not just to Trump but to all the millions of his voters who are disgusted by how low the political class who perpetrated all the above have brought a once great nation. They’re not going back.”
- What They Wanted
“The other night my youngest expressed a wish to see The Manchurian Candidate—the original, of course. And, as great as it is, its famous ending seemed an artifact of a lost and somewhat innocent age: a man is able to stroll into a political rally and access easily a high-up vantage point with a direct line of sight to the nominee. Couldn’t happen now… And yet it just did.”