- Network and The Running Man in 2025
One movie from the seventies and one from the eighties remain far more relevant than their contemporaries—and it’s the silliest that remains most relevant. We are living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.
- Apple’s FiVe Minute Crush
Between 1984 and 2024, Apple’s advertising has gone from ridiculing 1984 to being 1984.
- Optimistic pessimism, or utopian dystopias
Each new year brings in a new science fiction milestone. This year, it’s George Jetson.
- Science fiction’s anti-socialist socialists
Why do socialist authors so often disparage socialism? From The Time Machine to Animal Farm, the best socialist dystopias are written by committed socialists.
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- Review: Brave New World
- Huxley’s Brave New World uses drugs to do what we use social media and virtual reality for. It’s a brilliant examination of what life looks like when we have everything we think we want, and nothing that we need. And the lengths we’ll go to, to avoid responsibility for our lives.