- Nick Popaditch debates Bob Filner in CA-51
- Popaditch comes off as far more responsive to the needs of the community in this debate.
- Painfully thoughtless politics
- Televised debates discourage intelligent, thoughtful discussion in politics: a few seconds of thinking is ridiculed in DC.
- President Obama accuses Benghazi terrorists
President Obama accused the Benghazi attackers of terrorism retroactively at last night’s debates, winning the term decisively for House Media.
- Televised debates discourage intelligent discussion
- Debates are a spectacle designed to trivialize the issues facing the community. And they are counter-productive because they specifically select for candidates who bullshit their way through the decision-making process rather than act deliberately and responsibly.
More Information
- It’s Debatable
- “As moderator and timekeeper of this evening’s debate I will remind our participants of the ground rules. I will address a question to you, following which you will have 30 seconds to respond. Following your response, the other candidates will have 10 seconds to rebut. If you surpass your allotted time, I will alert you by depressing the bellows of this claxon, following which you will be asked to cease. I will remind our participants that interruptions shall not be brooked, and that they will refrain from using their spittoons and snuffboxes while their opponents are speaking. The order of tonight’s questions have been selected at…”