CSS makes it easy for you to create web pages that are readable in a wide variety of situations and across all kinds of browsers, while still retaining control over visual presentation.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Working with CSS to turn a basic web page into something that draws attention to all the right places.
- Cascading style sheets and HTML
- You can use style sheets to simplify your web pages, making them readable across a wide variety of browsers and situations, without sacrificing presentation quality.
- Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide
- Cascading style sheets really kick ass. Once you start using them, you’ll find it hard to imagine what you did without them.
- MacHeist bundle: Taskpaper, CSSEdit, and Awaken
- MacHeist is running a bundle of several applications for $49. It includes Taskpaper, CSSEdit, Awaken, and several other games and utilities.
- Style Sheets and HTML, Part Two
- This second half of the style sheet draft tutorial covers adjacent elements, pseudo-elements, and floating elements.
- Webmaster in a Nutshell
- Without doubt the best reference work for webmasters that you’ll find. It contains the “reference” part of most of O’Reilly’s web-relevant nutshell books. You can find references for HTML 3.2, the CGI standard, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, PHP, the HTTP 1.1 protocol, and configuration statements and server-side includes for the Apache/NCSA webservers.
More Information
- Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide•
- If you’re doing web pages that use stylistic enhancements, you should really be using style sheets and this book will get you there. If you understand HTML, you will find CSS a snap to use. This is a well-written book by the number one CSS expert.