Negative Space: climate
- The (para)psychology of climate change research
- The “they meant well” circling of the wagons reminds me of a branch of scientific research popular when I was in college: parapsychology. Failure to create a falsifiable model ultimately led to an almost religious belief that even cheating proved the existence of psi.
- Coal in their stockings: climategate Christmas
- If unknown data tracks known bad data, it’s a good guess there’s something wrong with the unknowns as well.
- The Gods Themselves
- Isaac Asimov meets with the environmentalists, and has them all shot.
More Information
- Hockey stick observed in NOAA ice core data
“Yes, Virginia, there was a Medieval Warm Period, in central Greenland at any rate. But we knew that—that’s when the Vikings were naming it Greenland, after all. And the following Little Ice Age is what killed them off, and caused widespread crop failures (and the consequent burning of witches) across Europe. But was the MWP itself unusual?” (Memeorandum thread)
- The Hockey Stick vs. Ice Core Data
An animated version of ice core temperature data, putting our current climate in perspective.
It would really, really suck if our adherence to the church of man meant we spent so much time and effort stopping non-existent or tiny manmade global warming that we end up with no way of dealing with natural warming—or cooling—trends.