- The continuing left-wing witch-hunt
- Tea partiers support people who think differently than they do.
- A fragile alliance
- The tea party and the Republican party alliance is a fragile one: it requires support on both sides. The media and tea partiers recognize this. Republican party leadership needs to figure it out yesterday.
- Greta Van Susteren calls out media on hypocritical misogyny
- Our media is a bunch of misogynistic hypocrites.
- Is religious faith a political sin?
- I’d be more afraid of someone who masturbates emotionlessly, than someone who follows Christianity’s teachings on adultery.
- The politics of fear in Delaware
- I’m with Palin and the NRA in Delaware. We know how Mike Castle will vote if he wins, because we know his record. O’Donnell probably got the Palin endorsement on her own merits; but she got the NRA endorsement on Mike Castle’s merits.
- Republican establishment: spite and sour grapes
- Jerry Wilson tries to stop establishment Republicans from dancing over their own candidate’s defeat.
- There will be lies
- The media takes a blunder by Coons on the first amendment—and outright changes what both candidates said to make it look like a blunder by O’Donnell.
More Information
- The Ruling Class Hits Christine O’Donnell
- “The question for conservatives must always be: victory to what end? Codevilla illustrates in vivid fashion that for the Ruling Class the agenda is always about one thing: power. Power for itself. The prospect of a ‘Senator O’Donnell’ utterly terrifies the Delaware Ruling Class. Not to mention some Ruling Class members who’ve never set foot in the state. That, when you really get down to it, is what this election is really all about.”