Negative Space: censorship
More Information
- The Deplatforming of Alex Jones
“Who’s more dangerous to democratic liberty, Alex Jones or a powerful Senator who wants to suppress dissident voices?”
- Babel Tower• (paperback)
A wild book within a book animates this look at Frederica in the tumultuous sixties, trying to fight the very strict censorship rules in England at the time. (A.S. Byatt)
- PeaceFire
An organization of teen-agers against censorship. Worth a look, especially if you’re a teen victim of censoring software. “It’s not a crime to be smarter than your parents.”
- CensorWare
Overview of the antics of web page blockers. Find out which net blocker won’t let you view the N.O.W. web page, and which blocker won’t let you view the U.S. constitution.