Negative Space: Bill Clinton
- All Too Human
- George Stephanopoulos writes about his time in the Clinton campaign and White House. He also talks about his hero worship and subsequent disillusionment.
- American Rhapsody
A fascinating exercise in self-deception and Hollywood bias.
- Bill of Rights Too Radical
- Clinton: "Americans Have Too Much Freedom"; from 21 Apr 1994 15:30:02 GMT
- Democrats: Women faint, it’s what they do
Press, Democrats, defend Hillary Clinton’s collapse, gaffes. “All women faint when they can’t stand the heat.”
- Hillary Clinton and husband accused of sexual assault
Between them, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, William, stand accused of sexual harassment or assault against at least eight women, and have paid settlements of at least $850,000.
- A New Crime
- “How would Mark Twain skewer Kenneth Starr on Larry King?”
- A New Crime
- On July 1, 1998, Maureen Dowd rhetorically asked her New York Times readers, “How would Hark Thrice skewer Kenneth Starr on Larry King?” The question is an odd one, because Mr. Thrice would never appear on Larry King. He writes for us, and has, ever since his death.
- No One Left to Lie To
- Clinton’s problems are, in Hitchens’s telling, because he was a conservative. A provincial conservative, the worst kind. He’s just not smart like Hitchens. Which is undoubtedly true, but being smart doesn’t make leftist policies any more sane.
- Our President’s Sex Life
- The President is a Crook. Long Live the President!
- Spin Cycle: Inside the Clinton Propaganda Machine
This is basically the story of how the Clinton administration gave the media an excuse for not following up.
- The Trial of Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton deserves a fair trial: or at least, as fair as any of us would get under similar circumstances.
- Was Weinstein treated better than Spacey because his accusers were women?
Both Weinstein and Spacey got a pass for a long time. We know more about Weinstein because he was caught earlier, and that’s it. Maybe it’s past time to drain the swamps of Hollywood, the entertainment industry in general, and similar cultures of deception such as in Washington DC.
More Information
- All Too Human• (paperback)
This is a very engaging look into the inner workings of the Clinton White House, and, to an extent, all White Houses. (George Stephanopoulos)
- Lapdog poetry: Rick Klein gushes over Bill Clinton with junior high-worthy verse
“this speech was a living, breathing organism. the crowd, the hall, the speech, one.”
- The Clinton factor
“Listening to him ramble on stage Wednesday night about the impossible challenge of cleaning up after George Bush, you could almost forget the Bill Clinton left Bush a recession, too—which Bush addressed without Obama’s endless whining and sniveling, in addition to coping with a devastating terrorist attack that inflicted a trillion dollars of economic damage.”
- Government, Violence, and Bill Clinton
“The really mendacious thing about the crap Clinton spews at about this time every year is that unlike the tortured nexus he tries to build between government critics and Timothy McVeigh, his responsibility for the charred bodies at Waco is pretty damned easy to chart. He gets to gloss over all of that now.”