It is Friday night. The moon is nearly gone. The PCs are in the local tavern, The Cloven Shield. There is music, dancing, drinking, and talking. Some gamble in the back room. The owner, ‘Barky’ Snell, is behind the bar weaving tales of the war as he pours drinks. The fiddlers break occasionally to drink a glass or two and talk about their travels. Alice and Carol, the waitresses, run about bringing drinks and food to the customers. Alice is an older woman, late forties.1 Carol is younger, 15. She lives down the street. Her father was a good friend of Snell, but died a couple years ago, and Barky often looks in on Carol, her mother, and her younger sister.
Very late, about midnight, a young girl (about 3) runs into the bar, screaming for help. She falls, as if something heavy fell on her, and screams louder. Her screams are cut short as her throat is torn out and the image fades. People are stunned. Some have fainted, some have run. PCs should save vs. 3xWP-20 or panic (save vs. paralyzation, bonus of wisdom points-4)2. As people regain composure, many cross themselves.
The ghost appeared here because Carol has the doll behind the counter.
The next night, at midnight, very few people are there—mostly people there on a dare or out of curiosity. Some kids who snuck out of their houses despite the danger are outside. Old Will3 is out there telling them ghost stories with a capital G.
Suddenly, the piercing scream of a child is heard—down the road towards the Langtree house.
In the house, Wendy Langtree is crying in her mother’s arms. Carol is looking around for an intruder. As Wendy calms down, some of the story is gotten—how she saw a girl die!
- Martin Darkhölme
- Martin Darkhölme in The adventure begins…