1) Empty
2) Passage blocked by Caryatid Column: AC5, MV6, HD5, hp 22, At1, D2-8, SD: snap chance, +4 on saves.
3) 8 Brilliarch Wights: AC9, MV12, HD3, hp 13, At3, D1-6/1-6/1-6, Al: CN. Brilliarch wights are pale, pasty white humanoids, but 3 stalks coming out where eyes ought to be. Seven fingers on each hand (6 + 1 thumb).
4) 2 chalices (gold, 50 gp), 3 gold/silver outfits (100 gp each)
5) 4 Brilliarch Wights: AC9, MV12, HD3, hp 12, At3, D1-6/1-6/1-6, Al: CN. There is a secret tunnel to room 7 here.
6) 4 Brilliarch Wights (see above, hp 11). There is a secret tunnel to room 7 here.
7) 1 Brilliarch Wight (see above, hp 15).
8) 3 Brilliarch Wights (see above, hp 18, 13, 11).
9) 3 Golden platters (25 gp), 4 diamond rings (500 gp).
10) 5 alabaster statues of hideous creatures (500 cn, 600 gp)
11) 3,000 sp, 2,000 ep
12) Sword: +1, Flame Tongue, +2 vs. Regenerating Creatures, +3 vs. Cold-using, inflammable, and avian creatures, +4 vs. Undead