d6+2 lizard men outside, using spears (2-7) and clubs.
1. 5 lizard men using clubs.
2. 4 lizard men. One uses a sword-1, cursed.
3. Temporary treasure room. Empty except for bones, food, and d6 lizard men.
4. 5 lizard men, and 39 silver pieces in the corner.
Aranea in the forest
The island is damp, and the forest is thick. Besides lizard men, 4 aranea live in the forest: AC7, HD3, hp 7, 13, 19, 14, At 1 bite, D1-6+poison, save M3, C. Aranea may also use spells as a 3rd level magic-user.
• Aranea #1 (hp 7): Read languages, charm person, invisibility; In his tree is a chest with 366 gold pieces. On the chest for easy use is a 5-spell scroll with magic missile, teleport, haste, transmute rock to mud, and move earth.
• Aranea #2 (hp 13): Read magic, detect magic, locate object. It wears a ring of djinni summoning. In this one’s chest is 688 gold pieces.
• Aranea #3 (hp 19): Read magic, floating disc, levitate. This one has 48 copper pieces in her chest, and a spell scroll of project image on top for use.
• Aranea #4 (hp 14): Hold portal, sleep, knock. This one has 142 gold pieces, 2 rubies (300 gold pieces) in its chest, and a potion of invulnerability on top.
Their webs are at location 3 in trees about 10 feet apart (each has its own). They can, within d6+1 rounds, come to the aid of each other. The webs are about 30 feet up, and can be walked on, since they are webbed over, and roofed with leaves, bark, twigs, etc. The webbed sections resemble caves. They can be seen only if climbing the tree. If in the area of location 3, there is a 1 in 10 chance of climbing the right one*.
At the foot of many of the trees are lizard-men skulls. If climbing one of these, there is a 1 in 8 chance of hitting the right tree.
Each aranea has a 65% chance of being in its lair. The treasure chest in each web has a poison trap.
Wandering monsters in water
• Jonah Whales: AC6, HD36, hp___, ___, ___, ___,† At 1 bite, D3-30, save F15, N. They swallow their opponent on a roll three greater than necessary.
• Sharks: AC4, HD2, hp 5, 6, 10, 7, 13, 11, At 1 bite, D2-8, save F1, N.