The nose of Grilkone bay is a port for the Orcs’ mercenary operations. There is a 30% chance that an Orc army will be leaving or returning (2d6 times 100 if leaving, d6 times 100 if returning). If not there is a 25% chance that a foreign emissary is coming to hire some Orcs (he will stay in cave entrance 14). He will be level 10+d6 and he will have 2d12 level d4 fighters, d4 level 7 fighters, a 50% chance for a d20+1 level magic-user, and a 50% chance for a d20+1 level Cleric. His ship will be guarded by marines (level 1-3) and a captain (level 10).
Ship | Marines |
Large/small/war gallery | 50/20/75 |
Large/small sailing ship | 50/25 |
Longship | 75 |
The northern part of the bay is a favorite fishing spot for Ogres. 10% of the time there will be a raft there. 40% of the time there will be d4 ogres: AC5, HD4+1, hp 20, 10, 21, 15, At 1 club, D1-10, save F4, C.
The cemetery has a number of wooden holy symbols nailed firmly to its walls. The walls are 10 feet high, made of three-foot-thick oak posts.