There are 700 common demons, 100 minor demons, and 30* major demons.
Common Demons
AC 0, HD 6+10, Move 300' (100'), At: 2 claws/fire, D7-17x2/5-10, 700, save F12, ML 8 (12), CE
Common Demons can only possess with the help of a God-Demon, and the person gets a save vs. turn to stone at -3. Clerics at Level 7† may attempt a turn with an 11 needed to turn, progression as normal. Up to 5 demons may inhabit a person at a time. These demons may only materialize in the material plane as a fire person, only partly solid. A person who saves vs. a common may not be possessed by another common for 27 days, 18 hrs. Demons are immune to fire, and automatically make saves vs. magic fire.
Minor Demons
AC -3, HD 10+30, Move 420' (140'), At: 2 claws/fire, D8-29x2/5-10+1 level, 100, save F30, ML 9 (12), N(25%) or C/Evil)
Minor Demons may possess someone, and the person gets a save vs. turn to stone at -4. Clerics at Level 9‡ may attempt to turn one, progression as normal. These may take on the familiar goat form. Only 2 may possess a person at a time, but this is unlikely. These and above may enter freely into empty but alive bodies. (Of the trapped, these are the only who may escape in this manner.) Once a person saves vs. a minor demon, he cannot be possessed by another minor or common for 11 hours, 6 min. Damage done by magic fire is automatically half for these demons. Each Minor Demon leads 7 Common Demons.
Minor Demons may only be hit by magic weapons.
Major Demons
AC -5, HD 20+35, Move 600' (300'), AT 2 claws/fire, D11-36/7-11+2-3 levels, save F36, ML 8 (12), L(10%) or N (25%) or C/Evil. #: 30
Major Demons may possess someone, and the person gets -6 on save. Once a save vs. major demon is made, the character cannot be possessed by a major or less for 11 minutes 1 sec. 12th Level clerics§ may attempt to turn. Major Demons may take the goat form, human form, or the form of a giant raven. Damage done by magic fire is automatically cut in four for these demons.
Major Demons may only be hit by magic weapons.