Royal Court
Atkaltrak, Advisor to the king
AC 9, MU 12, hp 23, At at +2, D3-6, LG
str 15; int 17; wis 12; dex 10; con 11; chr 15
potion of heroism, dagger +1, spell scroll of dimension door, wand of enemy detection
Atkaltrak, Advisor to the king: Spells
detect magic, read magic, read languages, charm person
ESP, locate object, wizard lock, invisibility
(2) clairvoyance, dispel magic
wizard eye, polymorph self, dimension door
contact higher plane, teleport, conjure elemental
control weather, invisible stalker
Watal, Princess’ tutor
AC 9, NM, hp 4, At none, D none, LG
Has expert knowledge: politics, common, high tongue
Has good knowledge: geography, history of kingdom
Has some knowledge: mathematics, natural science
Xenel, Bard
AC 6, NM, hp 4, no At, LG
dex 18; wis 17; int 17; chr 18
Plays: Lute, flute
Types: ballads, love songs, funny songs
Students to Atkaltrak
Students to Atkaltrak: Berel
AC 8, MU 7, hp 19, At 1, D1-4, LG
str 12; int 15; wis 13; dex 15; con 10; chr 11
potion of control red dragon (knows), ring of invisibility, displacer cloak, dagger
Berel: Spells
protection from evil, sleep, floating disc
ESP, knock
water-breathing, protection from evil 10'
dimension door
Students to Atkaltrak: Aron
AC 8, MU 4, hp 11, At -1, D1-3, LG
str 6; int 16; wis 13; dex 15; con 8; chr 15
potion of invulnerability (knows), dagger
Aron: Spells
(2) charm person
locate object, invisibility
Royal Family
King Darien
AC 7 (1), F26, hp 104, At 3, at +3, D4-11, LG
str 16; int 16; wis 13; dex 17; con 17; chr 11
sword+1 (flames on command), shield +1, ring of spell casting, chain mail, sword+1, longbow, 30 arrows
King Darien: Spells
Detect magic, light, cure light wounds, purify food & water
web, detect evil, bless, speak with animals
fly, lightning bolt, cure disease, remove curse
polymorph self, wall of ice, cure serious wounds, speak w/plants
teleport, wall of stone, create food, raise dead
stone to flesh, control weather
This ring is aligned with Aphrodite.
Queen Illia, daughter of Elf-King Cyrus
AC 9, E10, hp 41, At spell, D spell or wand, LG
str 15; int 13; wis 12; dex 12; con 13; chr 18
shield +1, wand of magic detection (5 charges), wand of illusion (10 charges), helm of reading languages and magic, sword of freezing, leather armor, coin which curses 1-10 points damage per day (heirloom)*
Queen Illia, daughter of Elf-King Cyrus: Spells
magic missiles (three of ’em), (2) read magic)
invisibility, locate object, wizard lock
dispel magic, fly, water breathing
polymorph self, wall of fire, growth of plants
conjure elemental, contact higher plane
Elsina, youngest daughter
3 years old, hp 1, 83% Elf, can advance to 14th level
str 10; int 13; wis 15; dex 10; con 12; chr 16
Cyrina, eldest daughter
17 years old, hp 9, 62% Elf, can advance to 19th level
str 15; int 10; wis 14; dex 14; con 14; chr 17
AC 9 (5), F1, hp 9, At +1, D2-9, LG
DR 11; PSN 12; MW 12; PRL 13; T-Stone 12; DB 15; RSS 14
Leather, shield, sword
Cyrina, eldest daughter: Spells
not listed
Royal Guard: King’s Guard
Royal Guard: King’s Guard: Narstl
male, AC 2, F13, hp 55, At 1 at +2, D3-10, LG
str 14; int 14; wis 10; dex 13*; con 10; chr 11
sword+1 (locate objects), chain+1, shield, ring of x-ray vision
Royal Guard: King’s Guard: Shadrak
male, AC 3, F12, hp 80, At 1 at +2, D3-10, LG
str 11; int 9; wis 15; dex 11; con 16; chr 9
potion of giant strength, shield+1, chain, axe+2
Royal Guard: Queen’s Guard
Royal Guard: Queen’s Guard: Madra
female, AC -1, F11, hp 46, At 1 at +1, D2-9, LG
str 15; int 8; wis 12; dex 14; con 10; chr 13
plate+2, shield, sword
Royal Guard: Queen’s Guard: Jara
female, AC -5, F12, hp 67, At 1t +2, D3-10, LG
str 14; ingt 15; wis 11; dex 18; con 17; chr 14
sword+1, chain+3, shield+3
Royal Guard: Princess’ Guard
Royal Guard: Princess’ Guard: Gela
female, AC 1, F10, hp 61, At at +2, D3-8, LG
str 14; int 16; wis 17; dex 14; con 17; chr 15
leather+3, shield+1, war hammer+1
Royal Guard: Young Princess’ Guard
Royal Guard: Young Princess’ Guard: Alexandria
female, AC 5, F9, hp 50, At at +1, D2-9, LG
str 11; int 14; wis 15; dex 14; con 10; chr 17
sword+1, leather, shield