Miscellaneous NPCs: Map CA
Tiras, Cleric of Thor
56 years old
AC 2, C14, hp 48, At+3, D5-15, CG
str 15; int 14; wis 14; dex 11; con 14; chr 8
chain +3, warhammer+2, girdle of giant strength, silver war hammer, staff of withering (16 charges), silver holy symbol
Large pouch: 1 GP, 7 CP, 4 EP, 4 PP, 16 SP
Tinder box, 3 wax candles, 2 sprigs wolfsbane, 1 bud garlic, steel mirror
potion of levitation (knows), scroll of protection from undead
Pet Hippogriff, Multin: AC 5, HD 3+1, hp 22, At 3, D1-6/1-6/1-10, save F2, N
Tiras, Cleric of Thor: Spells
(3) cure light wounds, purify food and water, resit cold, remove fear
hold person, know alignment, resist fire, silence 15', speak with animal
locate object, remove curse, (2) cure disease, continual light
create water, speak with plants, protection from Evil 10', neutralize poison, cure serious wounds, raise dead, dispel evil, create food, commune