Background: Town stuff

  1. History of Mordol
  2. Background
  3. The pyramid

Base prices

These are used for the inns and taverns.

ale: 2 cp
small beer: 1 sp
wine: 2 sp
kelp tea: 5 cp
bread: 1 sp/slice
fish stew: 1 sp
fried fish: 1 gp/platter
fish/vegetable pie: 4 ep
water: 3 ep
fish filet: 1 gp/plate
roast meat: 7 gp
cheese: 8 gp/slice

From this we can deduce that fish is pretty damn cheap on this island. Bread, meat, and cheese are extremely expensive. And that ale for some reason is much cheaper than beer, and kelp tea is in the middle. Fresh water is pretty damn expensive, too.


Each inn has either two or three sets of prices. I’m assuming that the first price is for their best room, and the last price is for their common room, as this is pretty standard for D&D inns. If there’s a middle price, they probably have two classes of rooms.

Each price also has a percentage after. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what that percentage means. Judging from the notes for Cankor’s Corker, it’s the chance of something happening. Maybe it’s the chance of a wandering monster? Or the chance that someone tries to steal their stuff? The latter doesn’t fit my idea that the lowest price is for a common room; I’d expect the chance of theft much greater in the common room, and the numbers don’t differ by much.

1. The Green Guardian. Tavern prices are at 2 times base. Inn prices are at 25 gp/month or 2 gp/night (4%); or 15 gp/month or 1 gp/night (7%). They have some sea serpent (delicacy!) at 150 gp for portions or 850 gp each.

2. Genesis. This is the best, and most prestigious, of the inns. Their tavern prices are at 2.5 times base. Inn prices are 30 gp/month or 3 gp/night (2%); or 18 gp/month or 1.5 gp/night (4%).

3. Borderline Tavern. Tavern prices are at 1.8 times base. Inn prices are 25 gp/month or 2 gp/night (5%); or 13 gp/month or 1.5 gp/night (7%).

4. The Pobtob. Tavern prices are at base. Inn prices are 20 gp/month or 1 gp/night (4%); or 10 gp/month or 5 sp/night (5%).

5. Trepis Inn. No tavern. Inn prices are at 20 gp/month or 1 gp/night (7%); 10 gp/month or 7 sp/night (9%); or 5 gp/month or 2 sp/night (12%).

6. Cankor’s Corker. Tavern prices are at half of base. For prices, chances see Trepis Inn.

7. Tavern prices are 1/4 base and well worth it.* Names are clockwise from the top, except (c).

a) Red Coach, Flying Areal, Cabals, and Seetort Blue

b) Grackle Bar, Green Dragon, Blue Lizard, Slight Tira, and Iris.

c) From lowest, clockwise: Nothing! Apparently I never got around to naming these, even though I did get around to deciding what order I’d name them in.

8. Prices are 2/3 base.

a) Spider Eye Tavern

b) Red Arrow

c) Brown Town Round

9. Prices are 1/2 base.

a) Black Dog

b) Purple Rabbit

c) Rock Jaw

d) Le Côte Rocheux*

  1. History of Mordol
  2. Background
  3. The pyramid