The Isle of Mordol: Background
- The Lost World
- The Isle of Mordol
- People of the Island
- Background: Location
- Mordol is a tiny island on its own, about 2,000 miles west and 200 miles south of Specularum—very close to the equator.
- History of Mordol
- Mordol’s Gods lived here, and were worshipped by the builders of the pyramid flanked by temples. Some remnants of their power can still be seen: the ‘haven’ for animals in the cave system was fashioned by the Goddess of animals. The illusion of a ball in that same system was made by the Sun God.
- Background: Town stuff
- Town stuff in The Isle of Mordol: Background
- The pyramid
- Anyone inside the pyramid does not age, need food, or need drink.
- Textbooks remaining in college
- This section is in pen. Nothing else is, so this may be from a later strata.
- Things to remember and write up
- This is a sheet of paper along with it, not something I’m planning on doing now.
- Background: New things
- That is, things that I can’t find in the Basic set or Expert set rulebooks. I assume I made them up. This was the hardest part about going through this adventure. Why did I keep the adventure, but throw away all of my “generic”* notes? I mean, let’s face it, this adventure sucks. But some of the things I’m finding references to are potentially cool.