The large diamond is a building, 150 feet by 300 feet, 1 story (20 feet) high, no windows. The outside walls are rock, the inside ones are wood. Inside each door are two Green Sleestak armed with crossbows and 15 quarrels each: AC5, HD6+1, hp 32, 27, 35, 15, At crossbow at +2 or 2 claws, D1-6 or 2-8/2-8, save D8, N. If someone attempts to come in, the Sleestak will go down to the end of the corridor and aim their bows, shooting as soon as they see someone not a Sleestak. They get a minimum of two shots and cannot be surprised. If there are many intruders, the guards from the other door will help, and raise the alarm. 1-4 will arrive each around, until no more can fit or no more are left. The most that can fight side by side are two.
1. Treasure room. A double one is needed. There is 3,000 gold pieces, 400 platinum pieces, 1,000 electrum pieces, 1,500 silver pieces, and 7,000 copper pieces in here. There are also 4 zombies: AC8, HD5, 2, 4, 9, hp 30, 5, 15, 31, At sword, D1-8, save F4, F1, F3, F8, C.
2. Quarters for 10 Green Sleestak. In the closet are 200+ quarrels.
3. Quarters for 8 Green Sleestak.
4. Kitchen. The circle is a stove. The line to the east is utensils. The room to the west is the pantry, with loads of food.
5. A Blue lives here: AC6, HD7, hp 41, At spell or 2 claws, D1-6/1-6, save D8, C-g/n*. His spells are sleep, ventriloquism, hold portal, invisibility, detect evil, locate object, lightning bolt, and wizard eye. He also has a potion of fire resistance.
6. Blue: AC6, HD8, hp 36, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D9, C. His spells are charm person, protection from evil, shield, continual light, levitate, location object, fireball, dispel magic, massmorph, and polymorph others. He also has a potion of healing.
7. Blue: AC6, HD8, hp 32, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D9, C. His spells are light, sleep, charm person, detect invisible, locate object, ESP, clairvoyance, hold person, confusion, and polymorph self. He has a potion of speed.
8. Blue: AC6, HD6, hp 29, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D7, C. His spells are detect magic, charm person, locate object, mirror image, clairvoyance, and invisibility 10 feet.
9. Blue: AC6, HD6, hp 24, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D7, C. His spells are read magic, shield, invisibility, wizard lock, protection from evil 10 feet, and fly. He has a rod of cancellation.
10. Blue: AC6, HD5, hp 23, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D6, C. His spells are magic missile, floating disc, locate object, knock, and lightning bolt.
11. Ballroom.
12. Record room. Full of their history.
13. Blue: AC6, HD5, hp 21, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D6, C. His spells are charm person, read languages, knock, phantasmal force, and fire ball. He has a potion of levitation, a ring of fire resistance, and a wand of cold (20 charges).
14. Blue: AC6, HD5, hp 22, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D6, C. His spells are floating disc, charm person, levitate, wizard lock, and lightning bolt. He has a spell scroll of hold person and disintegrate.
15. Blue: AC6, HD5, hp 26, , At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D6, C. His spells are charm person, sleep, continual light, mirror image, and invisibility 10 feet. He has a ring of invisibility.
16. Blue: AC6, HD5, hp 28, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D6, C. His spells are protection from evil, hold portal, continual light, wizard lock, and protection from normal missiles.
17. A green guard guards the door: AC5, HD6+1, hp 30, At 2 claws, D2-8/2-8, save D8, N. This is the room of a Blue: AC6, HD9, hp 28, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D10, C. Its spells are floating disc, detect magic, ventriloquism, levitate, detect invisible, wizard lock, protection from normal missiles, hold person, fly, confusion, hallucinatory terrain, and telekinesis.
18. A green guard guards this door: AC5, HD6+1, hp 35, At 2 claws, D2-8/2-8, save D8, N. Blue: AC6, HD9, hp 34, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D10, C. Its spells are floating disc, invisibility, detect magic, continual light, knock, levitate, clairvoyance, fly, dispel magic, wall of fire, curse, and telekinesis. It has a potion of speed and a spell scroll of charm person and disintegrate.
19. A green guard: AC5, HD6+1, hp 35, At 2 claws, D2-8/2-8, save D8, C. Blue: AC6, HD9, hp 41, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D10, C. Its spells are floating disc, sleep, hold portal, levitate, clairvoyance, wall of ice, growth of plants, and contact higher plane. It has a scroll of protection from undead and a staff of commanding (19 charges).
20. A green guard guards the door: AC5, HD6+1, hp 40, At 2 claws, D2-8/2-8, save D8, C. Blue: AC6, HD9, hp 40, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D10, C. Its spells are two of ventriloquism, charm person, locate object, continual light, mirror image, fly, hold person, water breathing, massmorph, wall of ice, and wall of stone. It has a ring of wishes (1 wish), a spell scroll of detect magic and magic missile, and a broom of flying.
21. One green guard on each door: AC5, HD6+1, hp 43, 44, At 2 claws, D2-8/2-8, save D8, C.
22. Blue: AC6, HD10, hp 54, At spells or claws, D1-6/1-6, save D11, C. Its spells are charm person, shield, hold portal, phantasmal force, wizard lock, invisibility, clairvoyance, fly, hold person, remove curse, polymorph others, wizard eye, animate dead, and conjure elemental. It has a potion of flying and a stone of controlling earth elementals.
23. Treasure chest with a helm of reading languages and magic, a helm of alignment change, a dagger+2, a sword+1, and a shield+3.
24. Fifty-six possible Green Sleestak in each.