Both are completely caved in and weather-worn. The east one has caved completely through to the basement. But the west has only caved to the first floor. Treat rock covering entrance to the basement as a secret door.
Inside the basement is a 12-headed hydra: AC5, HD12, hp 96, At 12 bites or 10 bites and 2 flames), D1-10 per head, save F(number of heads), N. The two middle heads breathe fire, up to three times each, for 1-8 points damage*. For every 8 hit points lost, one head is also lost.
Also in the basement is a skeleton shackled to the floor.
There is a small rat hole (3 feet diameter) in the west wall, just above the floor. Just beyond that (a 5 foot tunnel) isa 20 foot by 30 foot by 7 foot high room with 12 giant rats: AC7, HD1/2, At 1, D1-3+disease, save F1, N. The rats will get 3 attacks for 1 of the character’s until the character can stand up.
Among the rats are three skeletons in rusted armor and weapons in the northwest; and a bag with 178 silver pieces.
In the south of this room is a 3 foot by 4 foot hole, going straight down. After about 400 feet it levels off into a natural tunnel 5 feet by 5 feet by 7 feet, which goes 20 feet, winding a bit, then opening into a room 10 cubic feet†, holding 3 mummies: AC3, HD5+1, hp 21, 28, 28, At touch, D1-12+disease, save F5, C. Magic weapons or fire are required to hit the mummies. Upon seeing the mummies each character must save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed with fear until the mummies attack.
In the east is a hole, going east 20 feet then down 3 miles to the lost world.