• 2d4 men (day only): AC4 (chain and shield), F1, hp 5, 6, 7, 8, At1 (battle axe or sword), D1-8, C; each carries silver dagger, holy symbol, and 50% have garlic and/or wolvesbane
• 2d6 wolves: AC6, HD4+1, hp 21, 23, 20, 22, At1 (bite), D1-6, save F1, N;
• d4 dire wolves: AC6, HD4+1, hp 21, 23, 20, 22, At1 (bite), D2-8, save F2, N;
• 3d6 giant rats: AC7, HD1/2, hp 1, 2, 3, 4, At1 (bite), D1-3+disease, save F1, N;
• 2d4 giant vampire bats: AC6, HD2, hp 4, 9, 11, 10, At1 (bite then suck), D1-4 then 1-4 per round if failed save vs. Paralysis, save F1, N;
• d4 vampires: AC2, HD7-9, hp 37, 39, 41, At1 (touch plus charm gaze, save at -2), D1-10+2 levels, save F7-9, C; can summon 5-20 giant rats, 3-18 giant bats
• d6 werewolves: AC5, HD4, hp 20, 10, 14, 15, At1 (bite), D2-8, save F4, C;
• giant crabs (shallow water, to ten feet out): AC2, HD3, hp 10, 16, 12, 18, At2 (pincers), D2-12/2-12, save F2, N;
• d4 great white sharks (deeper water): AC4, HD8, hp 36, 38, 39, 34, At1 (bite), D2-20, save F4, N;
• 1-2 giant octopi: AC7, HD8, hp 36, 50, 37, At8 (tentacles, then one bite), D1-3*8/1-6, save F4, N; for each tentacle that hits, ‘to hit’ is reduced by 1
• 1-3 Jonah Whales: AC6, HD36, hp 99, 110, 120, 75, At1 (bite), D3-30 or swallow (3 greater ‘to hit’ than needed), save F15, N