50 feet high, 40 foot by 40 foot sides, 10 foot stories. See map on back of map EC for tower*. Anyone dying in this tower will become an intelligent skeleton. They keep hit points (but can be cured only magically, or 1 hit point every three days) and fight as a skeleton of Hit Dice equal to their hit points divided by 5. They save as a fighter the same level as their hit dice. They keep all equipment, so their AC drops by 2. They can keep alignment. Their skin disperses.
1. Seven skeletons: AC7, HD1, hp 5, 6, 7, 1, 7, 4, 6, At spear, D1-6, save F1, C.
2. Three skeletons: AC5 (leather), HD1, hp 3, 6, 6, At sword, D1-8, save F1, C.
3. Empty.
4. Empty.
5. 3 skeletons: AC7, HD1, hp 7, 5, 3, At 1, D1-6, save F1, C. Five packs of 5 rats: AC9, hD1/8, At 1 bite/pack, D1-6+disease and knock down, save NM, N. Victims of a knock-down attack must save vs. death or be knocked down and take a round to get up.
6. Empty.
7. 1 skeleton: AC7, HD2, hp 16, At sword or spell, D1-8 or spell, save F3, C. Its spells are one each of sleep, charm, and cause light wounds. It is protected by 2 skeletons: AC2 (chain mail and shield), HD1, hp 8, 8, At sword, D1-8, save F2, C. All three wear an amulet of protection from turning. The skeletons are at the southwest wall, and gain +1 to initiative.
Flanking towers
The towers are 20 feet in diameter, four stories, for 50 feet up (10 feet inside per story). There are various skeletons in rusted armor in each room. In the top story of the north tower is, among other rusted ones, a magic +3 chaotic evil sword with intelligence 15 and ego 12. This sword will not get a +3 against fights within Erression’s* walls, but a ‘to hit’ at +3 more than needed will bring automatic double damage. This sword does no damage vs. other evils.