The door is wizard-locked, 5th level. On the book shelf are books, completely faded and unreadable. The pot is filled with a weird liquid and weird ingredients. If the wood under the pot is lit, the lighter will be able to ask ‘the greater powers’ one question.
Hanging on the west wall is Madrigal, the living lantern.*
In the closet (wizard-locked at level 4) is a sword, chained to the floor. If the sword is let loose it will either attack or run (probably attack): AC-4, HD5, hp 23, At 1 at +3, D1-8 (turns lawfuls to stone, save vs. spells), save F5, CE. Only one person can attack it at a time (the person it attacks). It can change person at any time without losing a round. If defeated, it will break in half, continually, until nothing is left.