• d4 black bear: AC6, HD4, hp 26, 11, 14, 17, At 2claws/1 bite, D1-3/1-3/1-6, save F2, N.
• d6 wild boar: AC7, HD3, hp 11, 8, 9, 19, At tusk, D2-8, save F2, N.
• 1 soul stealer: AC-4, HD12+3, hp 62, At envelope, D absorb soul (save vs. dragon breath), save E7, N. It rolls ‘to hit’ vs. AC9-dexterity and magic bonuses. It already has 2 black bear, 1 orc, an elf (level 3, lawful good, wisdom 15, intelligence 14, spells: charm, read magic, ESP), a human magic user (MU4, wisdom 11, intelligence 17, neutral evil, spells: detect magic, charm, web, wizard lock), two human fighters (F3, F4, intelligence 10 and 11, wisdom 11 and 9, lawful good and chaotic evil), and a halfling (H7, intelligence 11, wisdom 14, neutral good) for a total of 7 spirits.