Wandering monsters
• Lizard men (see mainland, above).
• 1 Aranea (see map AB for details).
The small squares are lizard-men mounds, with d10+10 lizard men, 1/3 women, 1/4 kids, d4 copper pieces per male. See mainland for description.
Island: Quicksand
In the quicksand, every 50 feet each person must roll under wisdom unless probing ahead, or be caught in the sand. They will fall to 1/3 of their height first, then go at 1 foot per round. One character with strength of 14 can pull a normal victim out, and two with total of 19 can also. They must use a rope or pole, etc.*
Lizard men caves
ac A 1 Guard cave
10 lizard men: AC5, HD2+1, hp 14, 9, 9, 12, 10, 8, 9, 11, 10, 7, At scimitar, D2-9. Each has d6 copper pieces and d4-1 gold pieces.
ac A 2 Guard cave
10 lizard men, as in guard cave 1. They use battleaxes, except the hp 14 one who uses a sword+1.
ac B 3 Lizard man castle/center
1 story.
1. Entrance room. Guarded by 2 lizard men: AC4 (shield), HD2+1, hp 13, 12, At spear, D2-7, save F2, N.
2. King’s guard’s quarters. 11 lizard men as in room 1, above, in each. Plus one leader in each, who gets a +1 on ‘to hit’. The leader in 2a has a shield+1 (AC3) and axe+2 (at+3, D4-12), and the leader in 2b has a shield+3 (AC1) and a normal sword (at+1, D2-9). In room 2a is a hole, covered by rags and lizard food and drink, with 50 gold pieces, 33 copper pieces, and 25 silver pieces. In room 2b is a hole to the outside, used mainly by their pet draco: AC5, HD4+2, hp 15, At 1 bite, D1-10, save F3, N. There is a 10% chance it will be there, and a 9% chance every round that it will arrive.
3. ‘Party room’. Candles on walls light this room.
4. Kitchen. There are two cooks, non-attacking, in here.
5. The king’s advisor. Lizard man Magic-User, level 5: AC3, HS2+1, hp 10, At 1 dagger or spell or wand, D2-5 or spell or paralyzation, save MU3, N. Spells: detect magic, magic missile, levitate, web, and invisibility 10 foot radius. The curtains are of a cheap, expensive-looking material: red inlaid with gold. On the table, along with his magic books, is a potion of control animal and he also has a wand of paralyzation*.
6. The King’s room. The king: AC5, HD4, hp 25, At axe+1, D2-9, save F4, N. He wears a ring of regeneration that restores 1 hit point per round. In the north is a chest of drawers with the king’s ancestor’s bones.
7. The king’s treasure room. 569 copper pieces, 312 silver pieces, 2,138 gold pieces.