All is black & white.
They were prophesied: he tuned in on 50s superhero show.
1. The dragon has blocked this spot up, but it will only take 3 turns for 4 people of average strength to clear.
2. When stepping in this circle, there will be an ‘avalanche’, but no one will take any damage. Upon awakening, they will be in Cave #4. They are now in the dimension of Mista.
Traveling from Earth-Fantasy to Mista causes the following stat changes:
• Str+10
• AC: -10
• Con+7 retroactive
• Fly: dex\*3 + str\*2 + con mph
STR | to hit | damage | weight | open |
26 | +8 | +16 | 20,000 | 39 in 40/11 in 12 |
27 | +9 | +20 | 30,000 | 59 in 60/15 in 16 |
All magic stops working.*
If more than 25 is needed ‘to hit’, it is impossible to do so. If less than -5 is needed, it is impossible to miss unless jostled.
- Cave Map 3: Entrance to Mista: Formula:
- What the monster needs to roll = what it needs vs. AC0 - the character’s AC.
- Cave Map 3: Entrance to Mista: Mistans:
- The people of Mista are very similar to those of Earth-Fantasy, and fight, save, advance the same. Missiles will only go in the correct direction 10%—and then normal roll must be made.
- Magic-User Spell Changes:
- • They get one more 1-3 level than is shown.
- Clerical Changes:
- • They cast spells as one level higher.