A Men and Supermen Adventure Outline
Copyright 1995 Jerry Stratton
January 24, 2013
- Editor’s History
- The Snowman has organized a small group of supervillains for the purpose of taking over the world (if Freon and Nightshade do not appear capable of doing what has been planned, 1 or 2 villains of your own may be added). Fourteen days ago, Snowman had Freon steal the rune dagger from an inexperienced North African cult group. The cult had not even understood the true nature of the dagger.
- How To Involve The Heroes
- If they have an HQ, the prof will arrive there about 2 AM today. If not, and one of the heroes has a publicly known residence, she will go there. Otherwise, she will hide out until the daytime, and after one (or more) of the heroes make a public appearance (because of an unrelated supervillain appearance or a previously planned public interview, etc) she will run up to them and ask for help.
- Schedule of Events
- When she finds the heroes, she will seem genuinely scared (because she is), and slightly eccentric (also, because she is).
- The Snowman: Epilogue
- There is no reward out on any of these villains. However, if the characters were able to defeat Snowman without a direct confrontation, add .5 to the Training Point Multiplier of the characters involved.
- Non-Player Characters
- Leslie Jo Hutchinson: Professor Hutchinson is a very eccentric person. She is the eldest of a large family. She has 6 sisters and no brothers. She is always tinkering. If she has nothing to tinker with, she’ll be drawing designs, in the snow if she has to. She has a very strong sense of right and wrong, and building a machine to cover the world in snow falls under wrong.
- The Castle Area
- 1. Outer Shell and Paths: The outer shell is the normal radius of the storm. The winds of this storm reach 130 kmph, and will increase to 200 kmph after the ritual is performed to increase the size of the storm. The wind does d6 damage. The temperature is -50 degrees Celsius, -15 degrees celsius in paths. There are five paths marked out. Each path is 3 meters tall and wide, and somewhat circular in appearance—as if the winds were swirling around…
- The Rune Dagger
- The rune dagger is a relic from the far past. It first appeared in the hands of some Vikings who worshipped a dark, evil god unrelated to the adventurous gods of most Vikings. Anyone with knowledge of the occultic rituals necessary to loose the dagger’s power can use it. The dagger controls and creates cold, chaotic storms. It can create the formless castle in the center of its storm. Wizards are allowed a Magic Perception roll to recognize this…
- The Snowman (full HTML)
- HTML version of The Snowman
- The Snowman (full PDF) (480.0 KB)
- PDF version of The Snowman
- The Snowman (full RTF) (473.7 KB)
- RTF version of The Snowman
- ZIP Resources for The Snowman (415.4 KB)
- Resources for The Snowman, including samples and document graphics.