Types of Heroes

Those of you who are familiar with classes, professions, and occupations in other games might be inclined to interpret Men & Supermen classes and packages similarly. However, the Class Powers, Special Powers, and Package Heroes are simply guidelines to help you create a character who fits in a superhero world. Players are in no way confined to using any of these guidelines.


Some of these types of heroes carry some pretty strange pieces of equipment. The tables in this section will sometimes ask you to roll on the Normal Equipment table or the Advanced Equipment table. Here they are, along with the related equipment tables for special kinds of equipment.

Normal Equipment Table

01-05 Boomerang, roll on Special Weapon table

06-12 Shield, roll on Special Weapon table

13-23 Sword, roll on Special Weapon table

24 Roll item on Magic Equipment table (p. cite) and roll power on Special Power table

25-29 Choose from the Mad Scientist laboratory list, using 2d12 points.

30-32 Choose from real world, using (d1000 times d100 divided by d10)+100 dollars

33-40 Gun, roll on Special Weapon table

41-44 Lasso (of rope type d4+1) and roll on Special Weapon table

45-46 Glider Wings

47-48 Tracer

49-64 Knife, roll on Special Weapon table

65-70 Bow/Arrow, roll on Special Weapon table

71-75 Grappling Hook, shoots, retractable rope is of type d10, and (d3+1) times d20 meters long

76-80 Belt, Pouch, or other small equipment holder (roll on Belt table)

81-84 Whip (of rope type d4+2, roll on Special Weapon table)

85 Roll once on the Magic Equipment table (p. cite)

86-94 Choose a Hand to hand weapon and roll on the Special Weapon table

95-96 Roll on Transportation table

97-98 Wing Jet, type d10

99 Armor (roll on the Armor table for the Weaponmaster Combat Skill, p. cite)

00 Roll Once on Advanced Equipment table

Advanced Equipment Table (roll d100)

01-20 Laser Gun, Type d4

21-30 Rocket Jets (Type d5, roll d8 for kind)

1 pack

2-4 Normpack

5-6 Large Pack

7 Beltjet

8 Bootjet

31-35 Anti-grav Belt

36-40 Sonic Gun (Type d4)

41-45 Space Vehicle (roll d12 for kind:)

1-4 Void Sled

5-6 SpaceJacket

7-10 Courier

11-12 Mosquito

46 Time Travel device

47-48 Roll on Normal Equipment Table

49-50 Universe Projector

51-60 Stun Ray Gun (type d4)

61-75 Analyzer (1-5 abilities, roll d20:)

1-6: 1 ability 7-11: 2 abilities

12-15: 3 abilities 16-18: 4 abilities

19-20: 5 abilities

There are five main abilities. The analyzer is Type d5+1 for each:

1) Air Analyzer

2) Substance Analyzer

3) Energy Analyzer

4) Life Analyzer

1-14) Material based life

15-18) Energy based life

19-20) Psychic Patterns

5) Medical Analyzer (d2 abilities)

1) Physical Analysis

2) Psychological Analysis

76 Disruptor Gun (type d3)

77-79 Electrogun (type d5)

80-90 Plastic Armor, type d3

91-96 Force Field, Portable (ST=2d4, ignores d10npoints damage)

97-99 Space Suit, type d4

00 Roll twice more

Belts and Bags of Tricks

Roll 3d4 times on this table for the number of items in the character’s collection of tricks.

01-05 Flash Attack (2d4 uses, type d6)

06-10 Dark Cloud (2d4 uses, type d5+1)

11 Poison Gas (d4 uses, type d4)

12-19 Handcuffs (type d6+1)

20-21 Acid (type d4, 2d3 uses, choose kind)

22-28 Grappling Hook, rope type 2d4+3, 3d4 meters

29-33 Radio (Hearing: 4d6, Strength: 4d6)

34-35 Throwing Knife: see Special Weapon table.

36-40 Sleep Gas (Type 2d4, 2d4 uses)

41-45 Rope (type 2d6+2, 2d8 X d20 meters)

46-50 Gas Mask, type 2d4

51-53 Grenades (d3)

54-55 Belt Jet, type d6

56-57 Portable Radar (3d6 hours, sight: 4d6)

58 Force Field, 2d4 ST, Ignore Damage d8, lasts 2d10 rounds

59-60 Binocular (sight times 6d6)

61-62 Tape Recorder (Hearing: d12 + 12)

63-64 Micro Camera (sight: 10+d4)

65-66 Micro Movie Camera (sight: 10 + d4)

67 Bright Flashlight

68-69 Infrared Goggles

70-71 Light Amplification Goggles

72-74 Tracer

75-77 Ultraviolet Goggles

78-79 Guard Glasses

80 Computer, Portable (type d4+7)

81-83 Pocket Calculator, Programmable

84 Analyzer: see Advanced Equipment table)

85-86 Substance Analyzer, Metal, type d4

87-88 Tear Gas (d4+1 uses, type d4+1)

89 Vibrator, type d20

90 Jammer, range: d100 times d100 meters

91 Parabolic Mike: hearing times 3d6

92 Portable Helicopter (type d10)

93 Net, rope type 2d4+4, 2d8 square meters

94 Laser Pen, type d4

95-00 Distinctive Light: high intensity insignia light, equal to Bright Flash type d8, and a save bonus is gained every type/2 meters.

Special Weapons table

Roll to see if the weapon has special abilities. Add d4 to any previous level with the weapon, unless the character gained the weapon under a Combat Skill Package. Bonuses are only effective while using the weapon.

01-40 nothing special

41-45 The weapon does d3 extra d6 damage.

46-49 electric: d4 extra d6 damage. It either works 2d4 hits, and the target must lose DP, or it works 4d6 rounds before recharging.

50-53 Built in laser, type d3, 2d4 times type EP

54-57 gas dispenser, sleep (Type 2d4); 2d3 uses

58-60 Sonic Ray, type d3, 2d4 uses

61-65 Flaming: roll d4; it does this many d6 fire damage up to 3d4 rounds before recharging

66-69 Stuns: roll 2d4; it does this many d6 Stun Damage; either 2d6 times and the target must be hit for DP, or for 3d6 rounds before recharging.

70-73 The weapon returns at 4d6 meters/segment

74-78 +d6 Combat Bonus Pool

79-80 see Magic Equipment; the item has a spell

81-82 The weapon allows the character to use one Special Power; see Items

83-84 Generates Force Field, ST 2d4, Ignore d8, for 3d20+5 rounds before recharging.

85 a Cosmic Power; weapon has d20+20 EP

86 a Psychic Power; uses the character’s EP

87-88 +d4 Actions per Round

89 Rockets; acts as a Belt Jet of type d8

90 Heat Ray, type d3, 2d4 times type EP

91 Poisoned: player must choose EP or DP poison. EP poison is type d5+1; DP is type d4; weapon must do DP before poison works

92 does d3 extra d6 damage as a Death Shot to any besides the owner who tries to use it. 20% of weapons do this per round, others only when first touched.

93-94 +d4 to Evasion (this bonus doesn’t use EP)

95 The weapon gives the character an Ignore Damage bonus of 2d4.

96 Bonus of d6 to Penetration

97 Weapon is nearly unbreakable: +2d4 ST, +3d10 Ignore Damage.

98 Weapon allows control of one type of animal, PR 2d6.

99 Weapon can attack at character’s control, up to 2d10 meters away. It uses the character’s level, without the Hand damage bonus.

00 Roll twice more, using d60+40


After rolling the vehicle, roll on the Vehicle Abilities table.

1 Truck, type d6

2 Sports Car, type d4

3 Prop Plane, type d4

4 Helicopter, type d6

7 Jet, type d6

8 VTOL, type d6

9-10 Choose any common vehicle, type d6

Vehicle Abilities: For most vehicles, roll 2d4 abilities.

01-08 Armor Plated: Add d4 to Skin Temper and 2d4 to Ignore Damage.

09-14 Radar: Sight of 10+d12, sight power 3d6.

15-16 d3 lasers, type d4+1; Each has d8+1, times type, EP.

17 Force Field, ST 3d4, works for 3d10 minutes.

18 Disruption Field, works for 2d10 minutes, type 2d4.

19-20 d3 Heat Rays, type d4+1; Each has d8+1 times type EP.

21-22 Bazooka

23-24 Electro-Gun, 2d4 charges, type d3

25-33 Increased Speed: Add 3d100 kmph to the vehicle’s maximum speed.

34-36 d3 Machine Guns: Automatic normal handguns, type d4.

38-40 d3 Assault Rifles: Automatic normal rifles, type d4.

41-42 d2 Sonic Rays: type d4+1, Each has type times 2d4 EP.

43-44 Stun Ray: type d4+1, 3d4 times type EP.

45-53 Radio: Strength 2d4, Hearing 10+d20.

54-59 The vehicle is or can become airtight.

60-63 Infrared Camera

64-69 Computer: see Base. Reduce type by 1.

70-75 Robot Pilot: driving level 2+d8

76-77 The vehicle can operate underwater.

78-79 Telephone

80-81 Television

82 Short Burst Rocket: Can add 3d10 to movement for 1 round. 2d6 uses.

83-85 Map Generator: type d6.

86 Invisibility, usually to Radar, PR 2d6. See Items.

87 Airtight, and the engine can function in outer space and vacuums.

88-89 Long-term Rockets: shift speed up d4 zeroes for d4 hours (1.5 m/s becomes 15,000 m/s, for example.)

90-93 Parabolic Mike: Hearing times 3d10.

94 Ejection seat: lifts passengers out in 1 segment and throws them 1000 meters times Distance Thrown straight up.

95 d2 Gyrojets: type d4.

96 Refrigerator (why are we always sooner or later...)

97 Microwave

98 Running Water

99 Bed

00 Oxygen Field: PR d4+1, see Items

Class Powers

A player who takes a Class Power rolls up a group of powers which are related. The character gains 3, 4, or 5 powers. To determine how many, roll 3d4 and consult the following chart:

3d4 Roll Number of Powers

3-4 3

5-10 4

11-12 5

There are four basic types of ‘Class’ powers: Animalistic, Cosmic, Psychic, and Superhuman.

Animalistic Powers

These are powers based on the abilities of animals.

Players rolling here can choose to take their last roll on either the main table or the table dedicated to their animal type. The last table reinforces the ‘feel’ of that animal type for the collection of powers.

There is an Animalistic class of powers for large two-legged animals (bears, apes, gorillas), large four-legged animals (elephants, rhinoceri, bulls), avians (birds), felines (cats, small and large), canines (dogs and wolves), water (fish), lizards (snakes), rodents (rats, squirrels), arachnids (spiders), and stinging flying insects (bees, hornets).























Perception +d20+10












































Agility +2d8

































Vertical Crawl











Strength +2d10











Hear More Frequencies






















Increased Speed











Tracking Skill











Natural Weaponry











Breath Water











Skin Temper +d4 (or Ignore Damage 2d5)











Supersensitive Touch











Control Similar Animals

































Chameleon Power

































Increased Healing Rate











Build +4d12











Constitution +2d8+2











Sight power: d3 *10











Hearing power: d4 *10











Normal Equipment Table











Psychic Power Table











Special Power Table











Roll twice more











Bear, Ape, and Huge Two-Legger

01-50 Strength +6+2d6

51-75 Build +3d20

76-00 Get Tall, PR 3d2+1


01-50 Wings

51-74 Glide

75-00 Flight, Slow


01-80 Agility +7+d10

81-00 Natural Weaponry

61-00 Vertical Crawl


01-40 Burrowing

41-60 Get Small, PR 3d2+10


01-40 Smell, roll twice, take best Power Roll

41-70 Tracking Skill, roll twice, take best PR

71-85 Strength +3+2d4

86-00 Constitution +3+3d6

Elephant, Rhino, and Huge Four-Legger

01-40 ST +d6

41-70 Build + 5d20

71-83 Strength +8+d12

84-00 Get Tall, PR 3d2+3


01-50 Sting

51-00 Agility +6+d8


01-30 Web

31-60 Sting

61-85 Vertical Crawl

86-00 Strength +4+2d6


01-40 Get Small, PR 2d8+13

41-71 Wings

72-00 Sting


01-40 Increased Speed (in water)

41-80 Breathe Water

81-00 ST +d6

Cosmic Powers

Cosmic powers are those derived from the unknown universe. These powers link with the energies of the space/time continuum, sub-atomic energies, and dimensional shifts.

01-07 Strength + 3d4

08-12 Agility + d10 + 2

13-17 Constitution + 2d12

18 Hearing Power of (d4+1) times 10

19 Explosive Touch

20 Perception + 2d20+2

21 Increased Speed

22-27 Sight Power of (2d3+1) times 10

28 Injury Resistance

29 Cosmic Awareness

30 Time-Line Travel

31-39 Skin Temper + d5 or Ignore 3d5 points damage

40 Lifting

41 Immortality

42 Anti-Matter Production

43 Radiation

44-45 Special Immunity

46-50 Dimension Travel

51 Map Sense

52 Time Travel

53-65 Cosmic Rays

66-73 Withstand Temperature Extremes

74-75 Life Support

76-84 Flight, Fast

85-88 Sixth Sense

89-90 Luck

91-96 Power Beam

97-98 Roll once on Psychic Powers Table

99 Roll once on Special Powers Table

00 Roll twice more

Psychic Powers

These are the powers of the mind. They are often called psionic powers, psi-powers, and ESPer ability.

01-05 Learning + 3d8+1

06-08 Agility + d10 + 1

09-10 Charisma + 3d6

11-18 Telekinesis

19-25 Telepathy

26-30 Clairvoyance

31-32 Sixth Sense

33 Psionic Blast

34 Empathy

35-38 Mind Control

39 Screw-Up Magic

40 Cosmic Awareness

41 Emotion Control

42 Roll on the Wizard Equipment Table

43 Time-Line Travel

44-48 Illusion, Psychic

49 Immortality

50-54 Sensitive

55 Magic Resistance

56-60 Teleportation

61 Mind Travel

62 Time Travel

63 Willpower

64 Reincarnation

65-67 Astral Planes Travel

68 Stun

69 Open Locks

70 Perception + 3d10 + 3

71-75 Telepathic Operator

76-81 Psychic Blast

82 Pyrokinesis

83-84 Luck

85-86 Control Chance

87-88 Hypnotic Power

89-91 Empathic Healing

92-93 Vertigo

94-95 Invisibility, Psychic

96-97 Healing

98 Magic Spell

99 Roll Once on Special Powers Table

00 Roll twice more

Superhuman Powers

Superhuman powers usually enhance normal abilities. Often, they can be explained as the result of extended training, and other times as genetic or body alteration.

01-17 Strength + 3d8

18-31 Agility + 3d8

32-44 Constitution + 3d8

45 Beauty + 3d6

46-49 Increased Healing Rate

50 Light Illusions

51 Lifting

52-59 Normal Equipment Table

60-64 Sight Power of (d3) times 10

65-68 Build + 3d20

69 Sonar

70 Ultraviolet Vision

71-77 Hearing Power of (d4+1) times 10

78 Hold Breath

79-80 Radar

81 Infrared Vision

82-84 Learning + 2d6

85-87 Skin Temper + d4 or Ignore 2d6 points damage

88 Gliding

89 Supersensitive Touch

90 Perception + 3d10 + 3

91 Jump

92-94 Sixth Sense

95-97 Increased Speed

98 Willpower

99 Roll once on Special Powers Table

00 Roll twice more

Special Powers

Special Powers are single powers which can stand on their own, as powerful as one of the collection of Class powers. The player can also roll the PR four times, and choose the best roll.

Players who choose Special Power as their Type of Hero roll on the Type of Hero column to find their character’s power..

Characters who roll a Special Power in the Intelligent Robot rules use the Robot column here to find which Special Power is gained. Robots who simply gain a Special Power as an extra power, roll on the Extra Power column.

Any character who gets Special Power for an extra power or who rolls up Special Power on another Type of Hero table uses the Extra Power column to determine which power is gained.

Type of Hero Power Extra Power Robots

01-06 Absorption 01 01

07-08 Acid Production 02-03 02-03

09-14 Air Control 04-06 04

15-16 Alchemy 07 05

17 Chameleon Power 08 06

18 Control Chance 09 07-08

19-21 Control Plants 10-11 09

22-25 Convert to Energy 12 10-11

26 Darkness 13-14 12-17

27 Death Touch 15 18

28 Duplication 16 19

29 Duplicate Person 17

30-31 Density Control 18 20-21

32-36 Electricity 19-20 22-23

37-39 Fire Coat 21-25 24-25

40 Flight, Slow 26-33 26-32

41 Force Field 34-35 33-37

42 Generate Self 36

43-45 Get Small 37-40 38

46-50 Get Tall 41-44 39

51-54 Gravity Control 45 40-42

55 Healing 46-47

56-58 Ice Coat 48-51 43-45

59 Illusions, Psychic 52-53 46

60 Invisibility, Light 54 47-53

61 Light Control 55-58 54-56

62 Light Illusions 59 57

63 Magic Spell 60

64-69 Magnetism 61 58-59

70-71 Molecule Control 62 60-61

72 Phobia 63 62

Power Enhancement 64-65

73-77 Sand Control 66-68 63-64

78-80 Shape Changer 69-71 65

81 Slide Molecules 72-74 66-67

82 Sound Control 75-77 68-74

Special Immunity 78-80 75-77

83-84 Speed 81-83 78-80

85 Stretch 84-86 81

86 Stun 87-88 82

87 Teleportation 89-90 83-88

88 Time Travel

89-90 Transducer 91 89-90

91 Vacuum 92 91-93

92 Vibratory Powers 93 94-95

93 Water Control 94-95 96

94-95 Weather Control 96 97

96 Willpower 97 98

97 Wings 98 99

98 Withering 99

99 Special Subtable below 00 00

00 Roll three times and choose two of them

Special Power Subtable (d10)

1 Animalistic (d10)

1) Bear/Ape

2) Birds

3) Feline

4) Canine

5) Huge

6) Snake

7) Spider

8) Sting

9) Water

10) Rodents

2-3 Cosmic

4-5 Psychic

6-7 Superhuman

8 Special Powers; Type of Hero column

9 A Skill (Roll twice, take best; for weapons, add 2d4 to present level;

10 Intelligent Robot (d4)

1) Audio Table

2) Visual Table

3) Power Table

4) Miscellaneous Equipment Table

Package Heroes

The themes behind these heroes are all far more concrete then the previous Types of Heroes. The player chooses either a Civilian, someone with special Combat Skills, an Eccentric Professor, an Intelligent Robot, a Magician, a Special Agent, or a Wizard. For all except Civilian and Robot, the character must meet certain ability requirements (See Creating a Character or the specific Package Hero).


The Civilian is just your everyday kinda joe. The Civilian can be a newscaster, a schoolteacher, a politician, or any of the other strange professions that crop up in comic books.

Abilities: The Civilian player can change the character’s starting abilities (strength, agility, constitution, charismas, learning, newoen, sight, hearing) by moving points from one ability to another. A player cannot, however, increase or decrease anything beyond the normal human maximum or minimum. For all the 3d6 abilities, this means nothing decreased to less than 6 or in­creased to greater than 15. For the 4d6 abilities this means nothing less than 8 or greater than 20. Abilities beyond those limits cannot be changed. Abilities can only be changed when the character is created.

Knowledge and Skills: The Civilian has learning plus d4 points to use for knowledge, skills, and abili­ties. One point equals 20 points of knowledge or 10 Training Points (see Training, under Worldly Matters).

Combat Skill

So you like weapons, hm? Well, whether you’re a Bear or Glock fan, or get your jollies from fifteenth century swordsmanship or twentieth century cinematic footwork, we’ve got the fightin’ package for you. Batteries not included, some assembly required. Each Combat Skill Package has ability re­quire­ments which must be met.

Equipment: Characters from these packages (except Martial Artists) have a 20% chance of gaining something from the Normal Equipment Table. If a character gains a second weapon, level with it is 2d4.

Choices: There are five Combat Skill packages: archer, boxer, marksman, martial artist, and weaponmaster.


The archer uses bows and arrows. Traditional archers like to use all sorts of neat gadgets with their arrows. Some modern retro-punks prefer the simple broadhead. It’s a bit bloodier, and can be harder to explain down at the precinct.

There is an 80% chance, rolled until missed, of being able to roll on the Special Weapons table, under the Fringe Benefits Normal Equipment Table. The character will have d4 of each special arrow rolled up. The character’s quiver will hold 15 + d20 arrows total.

Required: Strength: 12

Agility: 15

Constitution: 9

Learning: 9

Newoen: 11

Hearing: 12

Sight: 18

Bonuses: Strength: +d3-1

Agility: +d6

Sight: +d4

Level: Base of 11, plus d4, with Bows.


There was a time when boxing was the ‘way out’ of the slums, a ticket to both stardom and simple respectability. Likewise, boxing was a good way to become a superhero. Same job: punching people and looking good.

Required: Strength: 14

Agility: 14

Constitution: 10

Learning: 8

Newoen: 12

Hearing: 15

Sight: 15

Bonuses: Strength: +d4

Agility: +d4

Constitution: +d3

Level: Base 11, plus d4, Fistfighting.

Base -1, plus 2d2, Evading Attacks

2d3 in Rolling With Attacks


Big trouble requires a big gun, and the first rule of a gunfight is to bring one. The marksman in a superhero world has a tricky job. Remember, you ain’t supposed to hurt anyone, at least not permanently. So, be careful where you aim that thing, and see if you can get some rubber bullets.

There is a 40% chance, rolled until missed, of being able to roll on the Special Weapons table, under the Normal Equipment Table.

Required: Strength: 8

Agility: 13

Constitution: 7

Learning: 12

Newoen: 10

Hearing: 11

Sight: 17

Bonuses: Strength: +d4

Sight: +d4

Level: Base 8, plus d4, with Firearms.

Martial Artist

When most people think of martial arts, they think of the Japanese and Chinese versions. This package is for any fighting skill that uses as much acrobatics (at least, in the movies) as it does hitting. Kick-boxers may also apply.

Required: Strength: 14

Agility: 16

Constitution: 12

Learning: 10

Newoen: 15

Hearing: 14

Sight: 14

The player must choose 3-5 skills:

3d4 Roll Number of Skills

3-4 3

5-10 4

11-12 5

The character cannot ‘double up’ on these skills. The major skill will have a level of 8+d4, the second skill will have a level of 6+d4, and the third a level of 4+d4. If there are any further skills, the fourth will have a level of 2+d4, and the fifth a level of d4. These are the skill choices:

Martial Punch Martial Kick

Martial Throw Acrobatics

Nerve Pinch Sneak

Falling Jump

In addition to the previous skills, the Martial Artist gains a level of 2d2 in Evading Attacks, and a level of 2d2-1 in Rolling With Attacks.

Martial Artists also have a chance of having a weapon. This chance is 20%, and is rolled until missed. One of these rolls can be taken on the Normal Equipment Table if the player so desires. If the character gains a weapon, level with that weapon is 4+d4, and there is a 40% chance that the player can roll on the Special Weapons subtable of the Normal Equipment Table for each of the following weapons rolled up:

d20 Roll Weapon

01-03 Throwing Stars

04-08 Nunchuku

09-13 Katana (treat as a long sword, +2 vs. ST)

14-16 O Dachi (treat it as a two-handed sword)

17 Staff

18 Hankyu (treat as a bow)

19-20 Wakizashi (treat as a short sword)


If the weapon requires more agility than strength, those two requirements may be switched.

Required: Strength: 15

Agility: 10

Constitution: 12

Learning: 8

Newoen: 8

Hearing: 14

Sight: 14

Bonuses: +d6 to either strength or agility: whichever had 15 as the minimum score.

Level: Base of 11, plus d4 in a Close Combat weapon (or 8+d4 in a Combat Skill Umbrella).

There is a 40% chance, rolled until missed, of being able to roll on the Special Weapon subtable of the Normal Equipment Table.

Armor: Roll to see if the character has armor.

d100 Roll Armor (see subtable for type)

01-35 no armor

36-65 normal armor

66-72 Lighter

73-80 Harder

81-94 Lighter and Harder

95-99 Lighter, Harder, and More Durable

00 Roll twice more with 60+d40

If so, roll d10 on the Types of Armor subtable to see what type of armor it is.

Types of Armor subtable:

1-2 Shield

3-4 Chain Mail

5-6 Leather

7 Plate Mail

8 Plate Armor

9* The weapon gives the bonus

10* Something worn gives the bonus

*If armor is normal, the weapon or something worn is equivalent to a shield.

If the character does have armor, the character also has a level of 2d4 in Armor Use for that type of armor (Shield Use for Shields).

If the armor is ‘harder’, ‘lighter’, or ‘more durable’, use the following table:

Harder: Increase ST by d4 or Ignore Damage by 2d4

More Durable: ST +d4 and Ignore Damage of d6 applied to the damage that the armor takes.

Lighter: Reduce weight by d6*10%; multiply Agility penalty by current weight and divide by original weight. Further Lighter rolls reduce current weight, not original.

Eccentric Professor/Mad Scientist

To be a Mad Scientist or Eccentric Professor, there are certain maximum scores. A character cannot have any ability score greater than these:

Strength: 9 Agility: 13

Constitution: 10 Newoen: 12

Hearing: 16 Sight: 11

In addition, the character must have a learning of at least 16. A Mad Scientist automatically has a Reverse Talent in Action (see Optional Rules), if that Optional Rule is used.


The character will have a laboratory and equipment. The player must roll for ‘points’ to ‘trade in’ on equipment for the character. Roll 4d6+10. If the dice come up a combination of only ‘sixes’ and ‘fives’, there is a 50% chance, rolled until missed, of being able to add d20 points to the total.

If the player wants some equipment not on the list, use listed point costs to find points for unlisted equipment.

Mad Scientist Equipment List

Analyzer 9

Astronomy Equipment 4

Atom Smasher 40

Biological Equipment

Simple 2

Average 4

Complex 10

Biological Samples

Single/Few Celled

Simple 2

Average 2

Complex 5


Simple 4

Average 4

Complex 6

Building/House (greater than average size; fit it with defensive or passive things: trap doors, secret hallways, etc.)

Large 5

Immense (Castle, Estate) 8


Simple 1

Average 6

Complex 12

Chemistry Equipment

Simple 3

Average 6

Complex 12

Computer type/4 + # abilities/5

Dimension Travel Device 50

Electron Microscope 10

Electronic Workshop & Tools

Average 4

Complex 10


Very Cold 8

Near Absolute Zero 28

Geology Equipment

Simple 1

Average 3

Complex 7

Human Helper 4

Library (one subject) 4

Life Box 35

Mathematical Equipment

Average 1

Complex 2

Mechanical Workshop & Tools

Average 3

Complex 6

Medical Equipment

Simple 3

Average 5

Complex 8

Meteorological Equipment

Simple 2

Average 3

Complex 7

Microscope power/400

Nuclear Reactor 35

Physics Equipment

Simple 2

Average 5

Complex 9

Planetarium 15

Psychology Equipment

Average 2

Complex 6

Radio, Communications

Basic 1

Extensive 3

Radio Telescope 7

Robot Helper 8

Rock Samples

Simple 1

Average 3

Complex 6

Satellite Antenna 3


Interplanetary 30

Interstellar 40

Teleport Device 55

Telescope power/100

Time Travel Device 60

Van de Graaf Machine 3

World Maps, Specialized 1

Other Bonuses of Mad Scientists

Mad Scientists and Eccentric Professors only have half the chance given under the Learning description for photographic memory.

Mad Scientists and Eccentric Professors gain an Inventing Level of 2d4. This is completely general and works in any area.

The Mad Scientist or Eccentric Professor gains a bonus to learning of 2d10.

The player has a number of points equal to 6 times learning. These points can be added to any one knowledge score, or divided up between many knowledge areas.

Intelligent Robots

Intelligent Robot players must roll for senses, powers, miscellaneous equipment, and must determine a power source. Once the player chooses the group of Abilities to use for the character, any one except newoen may be rerolled twice, take the best; any other may be rerolled once, and this roll taken if it is better than the original ability/attribute. When determining the Maximum and Minimum Temperatures for the character (see Situations), double the total of constitution and damage points for that purpose.

Body and Mind

Build: Roll d6 and subtract 1. Roll d20 this many times and add this to the robot’s build.

Thinking: Intelligent Robots automatically get Think Fast, Power Roll d20. They also automatically have Memory Training of d20.


Touch: 90% of robots have touch sense equivalent to a normal human. Those who don’t, have a Touch Sense of d100 minus 1. This is the robot’s base chance of noticing if damage has been taken. Multiply it by the amount of Damage Points the Robot took from the attack for the true chance that the damage will be noticed, at least by ‘feeling’ it.

Smell: 70% of Intelligent Robots have a smell sense equivalent to that of a normal human. Otherwise, the robot has no sense of smell at all.

Sight: Roll d2 times on the Visual table:

01-55 Light

56-70 Infrared

71-80 Ultraviolet

81-90 Sonar

91-93 X-Rays

94-97 Radar

98-99 Map Sense

00 Roll twice more on this table

Robots have a 60% chance of being able to transmit in Light, Infrared, and Ultraviolet if they have those senses. They have a 90% chance of having to transmit on any of the other visions in order to use them.

Hearing: Roll d2 times on the Audio table:

01-20 Radio Frequencies (normal)

21-75 Sound Frequencies

85% for Normal

45% for Ultrasonic

50% for Subsonic

76-78 Brain Waves

79-94 Microwave

95-99 Laser

00 Roll twice more on this table

Robots can talk as well as hear with these senses.


Roll 2d4 to discover how many powers the Robot character has.

Roll Number of Powers

3-4 2

5-10 3

11-12 4

Roll for that many powers:

01-12 Laser Ray (type d5)

13-15 Magnetic Powers

16-18 Electric Powers

19-27 Heat Ray

28-33 Freeze Ray

34-36 Hearing Power of (d4) times 10

37-39 Sight Power of (d4+1) times 10

40-42 Force Field

43-44 Increased Speed

45-52 Skin Temper + d6 or ignore 3d6 points damage

53-60 Strength + d12

61-67 Roll once on Advanced Equipment Table

68-75 Missile Fire

76-77 Radiation

78-84 Agility + d8

85-93 Constitution + 2d6

94-96 Stun

97-99 Sound Control

00 Roll twice more on this table


‘Equipment’ is sort of like powers, but it has that mech-E feel.

01-02 Think Fast

03-05 Anti-Grav (as Anti-grav belt, d100%)

06-21 Rocket Flight (as Rocket Pack, usually Ape)

22-30 Roll once on Normal Equipment Table

31-40 EP+2d50

41-42 Grappling Hook (rope is Type d10)

43 Roll on skill list; weapon use: +d4, base 1

44-48 Extra or Odd Body Part

49-60 Minor Equipment: Player chooses 2d6:

1) internal clock

2) compass (directional)

3) calculator (learning squared digits)

4) an internal box, dimensions totaling: 7+d100 cubic decimeters

5) One of the following electrical outlets:

a) 120 V, 60 Hz (normal home socket)

b) 220 V, 60 Hz (heavy house socket)

c) variable DC: 0 to 12.5 Volts this uses up 1 EP per heavy appliance per hour; heavy scientific equipment will use 3 EP per hour.

6) Can openers, corkscrew

7) tool kit: flathead screwdriver, phillips screwdriver, adjustable wrench

8) crowbar

9) hammer (for nails) with nail remover)

10) pliers, wire stripper, soldering iron

11) drawing compass, straight edge

12) random number generator

13) mechanical pencil, pen, eraser for both

14) internal garbage disposal unit

61-75 Modem

76-77 Supersensitive Touch

78-83 Repair ability: heal DP using Healing Rate

84 Lifting

85-96 Learning + d10

97-98 Roll on Special Powers Table, Robot

99 Increased Healing Rate

00 Roll twice more on this table

Power Source

Each robot is assumed to be able to store a certain amount of energy (equal to their maximum EP) in their body. However, unlike humans, robots don’t get energy by eating food. Each player playing a robot must roll d20 on the following chart to determine their character’s power source:

1-10 External: The character gets energy from some source of radiation (solar energy, cosmic energy, a transmitter somewhere). The player must decide on one type of energy. When the character is cut off from the source of the radiation, EP will not heal back, and when the source is partially cut off, the healing rate for EP will be reduced accordingly.

11-20 Internal: The character regains power by ingesting some material (uranium, dilithium, plastic, light bulbs). The player must decide on one type of material. The character must ingest this every d10,000 +39, divided by d40 hours. If a feeding time is missed, EP will not be regained after that time.


DP: Any DP taken by a robot cannot be healed: it must be repaired (unless the robot has Repair circuits or Increased Healing Rate). Various knowledge areas allow a person to repair a robot. Metalworking will allow repair of bludgeon­ing damage. For a robot who is basically electronic, Electronics (characters with Amateur Radio may try, using one-quarter their knowledge score) will allow repair of penetrating and injury damage. For a robot who is basically mechanical, Mechanics (characters with Vehicles knowledge may try, using one-quarter their knowledge score) will allow repair of penetrating and injury damage. Robotics will allow a person to repair any kind of damage on a robot. A person can try to repair 1 point DP every (500 divided by knowledge score) minutes, with a chance of success equal to knowledge score minus the number of DP the robot is from maximum. Any one repairer can try only once to repair each penetrating DP lost, although the repairer can try again to repair bludgeoning damage. If the repairer misses the chance of success, a save must be made, rolling d100 less than or equal to half the repairer’s knowledge score minus the amount of DP the robot is missing, or the repairer accidentally does 1 point more damage, of the type being repaired.

VP: Robots will heal VP by their healing rate like any other character.

EP: All EP that a robot uses is considered EP that heals per hour. This EP heals back at the robot’s healing rate per hour whether resting or not. Note that robots do not lose EP like normal humans do for staying awake. The robot character must roll d24, and this is the amount of EP the robot loses, every 24 hours of activity. Robots shut down at 0 EP.

If a robot gains Increased Healing Rate as a power, assume the calculated Healing Rate is 0, unless repair circuits are also had (see Miscellaneous Equipment). For example, a robot with Increased Healing Rate PR 4, but no normal repair circuits would assume the robot’s normal healing rate to be zero for purposes of that power. In all other respects, Increased Healing Rate gives the same advantages to the robot as it does to any other character.

Bleeding: Robots do not bleed.

Pushing Abilities: Robots cannot push abilities (unless the robot has the power Willpower).

Wounds: Robots do not gain permanent damage.

Robot Malfunctions:

When an injury roll is made, robots do not gain permanent damage or lose consciousness. If loss of consciousness is indicated, the robot has a temporary malfunction. If permanent damage is indicated, the robot has a longer-lasting malfunction, of severity as if it were a permanent wound. Malfunctions will be caught if the repairer makes a perception roll with a bonus of the repairer’s knowledge score divided by 10. Roll d20 to see where the malfunction occurs. It is up to the Editor to determine exactly what malfunctions with respect to the following table:

1-8 A Power

9-12 The CPU circuitry

13-20 Part of the body: roll on the chart under Massive Body Attacks

If, for any reason, all power is shut off, but the ‘brain’ or CPU remains intact, there is a 75% chance that learning will be retained upon power up. There is only a 25% chance that memory will be kept. If memory is lost, %Control will be divided by 2 on every power that a human would roll %Control on.

Other Robot Junk

Aging: Robots do not age.

Astral Forms: Robots do not have astral forms, unless the power Astral Projection is rolled. Note that souls and astral forms are not the same thing. It is up to you whether or not Intelligent Robots have souls, if that is even important.


The Magician does not control magic, but controls the observations of those watching so that the actions look like magic.

The Magician must have these ability scores:

Agility: 14 Learning: 13

Hearing: 12 Sight: 13

Magician Tricks: Any Magician can do the normal magic tricks seen on stage: card tricks, pulling a rabbit out of a hat (well, almost any magician... “Hey, Rocky!”), and various specialties they develop. These work automatically and require that both the stage and the audience be prepared. This is reflected by the Magician’s Knowledge Score in Magic, which is the magician’s Learning plus 2d20. In addition to this, however, the Package Hero Magician will have 4-5 (d2+3) skills/powers. Use the following table to determine what each skill/power is:

01-74 Magic-simulating Skill table

75-95 Normal Skill table

96 Super Power table

97 Weapon Skill (+2d3 levels)

98-99 Special Equipment table

00 Roll twice more

Magic-simulating skills are skills that look like magic if they’re done correctly. They look a lot like egg on your face if they’re not done correctly...

Magic Simulating Skills

01-20 Create Optical Illusion

21-35 Hide Objects in Plain Sight

36-40 Hide Objects on Oneself

41-50 Mass Hypnosis

51-60 Hypnosis

61-80 Read People

81-92 Quick Change

93-00 Do Magic Tricks Without Stage

See skill descriptions.

‘Normal’ skills that ‘heroic’ magicians know tend to be things that allow them to break laws. Some heroes...

Normal Skills

01-13 Escape Artistry

14-17 Roll on Skill List

18-30 Disguise

31-36 Opening Locks

37-39 Acrobatics

40-47 Picking Pockets

48-56 Forgery

57-60 Ignore Damage + d4 points

61-67 Counterfeiting

68-69 Nerve Pinch

70-84 Confidence Art

85-95 Sneak

96-00 Detection

Some magicians are magicians to hide their psychic powers. Others happened upon superpowers in the course of their adventurous magician’s life.

Super Power

01-07 Illusion, Psychic

08-13 Light Illusion

14-16 Teleportation

17-25 Agility + 2d4

26-33 Learning + 2d8

34-38 Telekinesis

39-44 ESP

45-56 Magic Spell

57-60 Clairvoyance

61-64 Astral Planes Travel

65-70 Mind Control

71-76 Sensitive

77-80 Control Chance

81-88 Hypnotic Power

89-92 Open Locks

93-94 Special Power

95-96 Psychic Power

97-00 Mind Travel

Modern science (and modern magic...) can make the magician’s job much easier.

Special Equipment

01 Bag of Tricks: 30+d40% likely to produce something useful but never combat oriented

02 Deep Pocket: holds d20 cubic meters

03-07 Hypno-Ray (Hypnosis PR 2d4)

08 Robe/Jacket of 2d4 Deep Pockets (see 02)

09 Vibrator

10 Beautiful/Handsome Assistant

11-17 Illusion Device (Psychic Illusion PR 2d8+1 or Light Illusion PR 2d4+1; player’s choice)

18-22 Acid (type d4)

23-28 Bright Flash (type d4)

29-34 Dark Cloud

35-40 Laser Pen

41-50 Trick Cards (see trick card table)

51-57 Mirror Smoke

58-63 Ventriloquism Device

64-68 Cloak of Teleportation (Teleport PR 2d10+2)

69-75 Sleep Gas (type 2d2)

76-82 Magic Item from the Magic Equipment Table

83-88 Choose a weapon; roll on Special Abilities

for Weapons under Lists and Tables.

89-95 Roll on the Normal Equipment Table

96-00 Roll on the Advanced Equipment Table

If the character has some form of trick cards, the player should roll for d6 of them. The character starts with d4 of each type rolled, but has the ability to acquire more. These do not have to be cards. They can be dominoes, pens, computer disks, or twinkiesª.

Trick Cards

01-15 Cards act as Throwing Stars (see below)

16-20 Card acts as Bright Flash

21-30 Grenade, Sleep (type d4)

31-35 Grenade, Explosive

36-45 Stun Bomb, type 2d4

46-58 Dark Cloud

59-65 Heat Bomb, type 2-4

66-67 Card acts as a lightning bolt that does 2d3 d6 of damage, and gets +2d3 to hit.

68-76 Tangler, type d4

77 Stasis Bomb

78 Roll on Advanced Equipment Table

79-80 Roll on Normal Equipment Table

81-82 Parachute

83-87 Grenade, Tear Gas

88-90 Tracer

91-92 Flare

93 Fire Extinguisher

94-95 Acid (type d4)

96 Roll up a Psychic Power

97-98 Roll for a Spell under the power Magic Spell

99 Roll up on Special Powers table

00 Roll twice more

The character is Weapons Skill level 1+d6 with these Throwing Star-like cards.

Special Agents

Special Agents are usually members of an organization such as the FBI (SIT) or the CIA (AIM), but may also be a member of a secret organization such as Future Study or another organization) or even loners (Private Detectives). Here are the minimum abilities:

Strength: 9 Agility: 9

Constitution: 10 Learning: 10

Newoen: 11 Hearing: 11

Sight: 11

Knowledge/Skills: All Special Agents have the following skills, without having to trade in points for them (if the player chooses one of these skills again under the rules below, it costs as if chosen a second time):

Will Resistance

Evading Attacks

Rolling With an Attack

Memory Training

Evading Pursuers


Special Agents will have extra skills and/or knowledge: Divide the Agent’s learning by 4, round up, and add 2d6. This is the number of points the character has for gaining knowledge or skills pertaining to their job.

The player can trade in one point and gain a score of 20+2d20 in any Knowledge area. To choose an area a second time requires 2 points, and only 2d20 can be added to the previous score. No knowledge area can be taken more than twice.

The player can trade in two points and gain a skill. See the skill description for the level. The player can choose a skill twice, but the second time it uses up 4 points. No skill may be taken more than twice.

The player must choose at least one knowledge area and at least one skill.


There are certain requirements which must be met to become a Wizard Package Hero. The character must have a newoen of at least 14, an agility of at least 10, and a learning of at least 13. These requirements do not restrict people learning magic after the game starts. It only restricts those who choose Wizard as their original Package Hero.

Beginning of Training: The character learns magic by training for a certain number of years. The character starts training at the age rolled up in the section on Creating a Character, unless this age is less than 13. If so, the training starts at the age of 13. Subtract the age rolled from 13 for the number of extra Minor Spells the character will receive (see General or Special Wizard).

Duration of Training: The apprentice will train for 4+d3 years. Multiply this by 100 times Learning/10 (add the character’s Talent in Magic to Learning, if the character has that Talent) for the number of ‘Creation Points’ which will determine how much magic the character knows.

Knowledge: At the end of training, the wizard will have knowledge in Wizardry increased by 2 per year of study. Modify the total by adding or subtracting the character’s talent or reverse talent in Magic, if such exists.

Types of Wizards: The player can choose to play any of five different types of wizard. The types are classified by the manner in which spells are learned (General or Special Wizard) and the manner in which they are cast (Classical or Mnemonic Wizard). The fifth type, Weaver is completely different from the other four. The five types are:

General Classical Wizard

General Mnemonic Wizard

Special Classical Wizard

Special Mnemonic Wizard


Magic Items: A wizard has a 15% chance, rolled until missed, of being able to roll for a magic item. To find which spell is on the magic item, see the power Magic Spell. If the spell Pervert Effect is rolled up, there is a 30% chance that the player must roll again for another spell, and this spell was perverted when it was placed in the item.

To determine the level of effect of the spell(s) in the item and the chance of success, some of the original caster’s abilities must be known. Use the following table if they are unknown. The Editor may want to specify a creator beforehand, however.

Newoen: 12 + 2d6

Agility: 6 + 4d3

Learning: 14 + 2d4

Level: Add d12-1 to the spell’s level. If 12 is rolled, add another d12-1, until 12 isn’t rolled.

EP in the Object: There is spell level + 2d20 EP in the object, if necessary.

You’ll also need to know how the spell was placed in the item:

01-70 As the spell, Imbue Spell into Object

71-90 As above, with the spell Permanency

91-99 Imbue Spell, but with made permanent with a requirement.

00 Imbue Spell, but made permanent with the caster’s self.

The Performance Time for using Magic Items is 10. The character can take training in that item (as Combat Skill) to decrease the Performance Time.

The chance of success for using a magic item is equal to the chance of success the original caster would have had, as is Casting Time, Range, and all other parts of the spell. The user may reduce the level the spell is cast at, however, in order to reduce EPused, or Casting Time, just as if it were a normal spell.

You may want to roll on the Magic Item table to see what the item actually is.

Magic Item Table

01-02 ring 03-04 sword 05-06 cloak 07-08 wand

09-10 staff 11-12 scroll 13-14 amulet 15 stone

16 carpet 17-18 beads 19-20 boots 21-22 bowl

23-24 brazier 25-26 candle 27-28 censer 29-30 dust

31-32 potion 33-34 gem 35-36 helm 37-38 robe

39-40 belt 41-42 gloves 43-44 dagger 45-46 foil

47 mace 48 lasso 49-50 shield 51-52 leather armor

53-54 stick 55-56 globe 57-58 bone 59-60 prism

61-62 lens 63-64 cube 65 oil 66 broom

67-68 mirror 69-70 rod 71-72 monocle 73-74 cord

75-76 dice 77-78 horn of plenty 79-80 lantern 81-82 anklet

83-84 necklace 85-86 bracelets 87-88 statue 89-90 extra spell in item

91-92 saber 93 headband 94 chain mail armor 95 crown

96-99 something different 00 no item: spell built into character

General Wizards

Fifty creation points are required to play a General wizard. This gives the character a 3 Wizardry, a Level of 0, and Newoen plus 4 Minor Spells.

Multiply the final level the character is going to be by 50, for the additional creation points required.

Each spell the character knows costs Spell Level plus Study Time creation points. The sample wizard, Cerest-Ranon, is a general classical wizard, created with 850 creation points (5 years).

Special Wizards

Twenty-five creation points are required to play a Special wizard. This gives the character a 1 Wizardry and half Newoen Minor Spells.

Each spell the character knows costs Spell Level plus Study Time creation points. Additional levels in a spell cost Study Time times the number of additional levels.

Classical Wizards

It costs no points to be a Classical Wizard.

Mnemonic Wizards

It costs 30 points to be a Mnemonic Wizard. Levels in Impressing cost 5 creation points per level per level. That is, level 1 costs 5 points, level 2 15 points (5+2*10), and level 3 costs 30 points (15+3*5), etc. Level 10 costs 255 points.

Mnemonic General wizards cost 80 points per level instead of 50, and half the number of points to learn spells.

Mnemonic Special wizards cost half the number of points to learn spells and increase in spell levels.

Weaving Wizards

It costs 200 points to be a zero level Weaving Wizard (or a six pack of Grant’s Imperial Stout, but that’s something else entirely). Each level in Weaving Wizardry costs another 100 points. The player can also pay for levels in Gesticulation and Loquacity at 40 points per level.