These are all derived from the Basic Abilities, Attributes, Powers, and Skills. If there is a common abbreviation for the derived ability, this is given in parentheses after the full name.
Mass: Subtract 10 from Strength, and look this up on the Sphere Chart. Divide by 10. Add Build to this, and Constitution divided by 10. Multiply this total by the cube of the character’s height (height times square root of height if height is less than one) and divide by 2.2. This is the character’s mass in kilograms. If the character’s Mass is less than 50, the character has a penalty to Skin Temper, and the character’s opponents in combat have a bonus to Skin Temper, equal to Mass divided by 100, on the Doubles Chart. This number also applies as a penalty to Martial Throw and similar rolls.
Damage Points (DP): This is the amount of actual physical abuse a character can take. To compute Damage Points, divide Build by 5. Look up the character’s Mass, if greater than 50, on the Square Chart, and subtract 7. Add this in for the total DP. Round up.
This DP score is Body DP, the amount the body has. In the case of the certain attacks, the character must know how much DP specific parts of the body have. Multiply normal DP by 3/5 for Head DP, 1/2 for Neck DP, 2/3 for each arm, and 3/4 for legs. Round each of these scores up.
Resist Death: Add the character’s Maximum Body DP and Newoen together, and subtract 14. Look this up on the Doubles Chart. The character’s Resist Death is added to Injury rolls.
Virtual Damage Points (VP): This is the amount of cumulative physical damage the character can ignore before losing DP--the player subtracts the damage from VP instead of DP. This damage is dodged, rolled with, or otherwise bypassed. VP is figured by adding agility to strength, adding one third of learning, and one third of newoen, and dropping fractions.
If the character’s Active Charisma is greater than learning, it may be substituted for learning in the above calculation.
Endurance Points (EP): These measure how long a person can work without resting. Each character starts with twice constitution plus half strength and half body DP Endurance Points, ignoring fractions.
Skin Temper: This measures the toughness of the character’s skin. Damage done to the character is multiplied by the character’s Skin Temper. The base Skin Temper is 1 (Row 0). Divide Strength by 50, and Constitution by 25, and add these together. Look it up on the Doubles Action Chart. Move Skin Temper up this many Rows on the chart below.
In Mind Combat, Skin Temper is normally 1. For newoens greater than 20, subtract 20 from newoen for the number of rows to move up. For charismas higher than 20, subtract 20 and divide by 10 for the rows to move. Use the appropriate charisma.
Row Skin Temper
0 1
1 9/10
2 4/5
3 2/3
4 1/2
5 2/5
6 1/3
7 1/3
8 1/4
9 1/4
10 1/5
11 1/5
+1 1/+1 (repeated)
If Skin Temper is modified (either by low Mass or by weapons which gain a bonus vs. Skin Temper), each bonus of 1 vs. Skin Temper moves the Skin Temper down 1 line. So, 1/5 goes to 1/4, 1/3 goes to 2/5, 4/5 goes to 9/10, and 9/10 to 1. Normally, a weapon cannot reduce Skin Temper below 1. However, Skin Temper modifications for low DP or for certain powers (such as Vibratory Power) can. For these, once Skin Temper has been reduced to 1, start going back up the list, but reverse the numbers. So, 1 becomes 10/9, then 5/4, then 3/2, etc.
Skin Temper is applied after Ignore Damage.
Willpower: This is the ability of the character to withstand psychic, magical or other similar attacks. Willpower starts at newoen times 4.
What can be done with Perception? Detect Danger: Any time a character is about to be ambushed or step into a trap, a roll against perception is allowed. Add 2 to perception for each person about to surprise. Subtract 40 from perception if the character is asleep. If those about to surprise are not trying to be quiet, add 50 to the chance. Detecting Danger is automatic, and requires no action on the part of the character using it. Supersensitive Touch and Hearing will usually modify Detect Danger. Usually, the amount the roll is successful by is the number of meters away the danger is. Detect Hidden Objects: Subtract 5 for each time the character has already used this power on the same area. It takes 1 action to Detect Hidden Objects, and the character can cover a 2 by 2 by 2 meter volume of space. Detect Lies: Subtract the target’s willpower from perception for this action. Hearing and sight can modify this score. Infrared vision adds 10, and smell adds PR times 5. Avoid Blindness, choking, or disorientation: Roll vs. Perception plus agility to avoid blindness from a light attack, to take a deep breath before air is cut off, or to avoid becoming disoriented by a surprising action. |
Perception: The base perception is newoen divided by 2 plus learning divided by 4, round up.
When using perception, use these modifications for senses, if the sense is applicable to the situation:
If applicable Then add:
hearing hearing, and four times the number of digits in the character’s hearing multiplier.
sight sight, and four times the number of digits in the character’s sight multiplier.
touch Supersensitive Touch PR
smell/taste Smell PR
A power such as magnetism or electricity can aid in searching for another such power/power source: Add the PR to the Perception roll.
There is a penalty of 1 for each other character attempting the same roll (Sphere Chart).
Weirdness Bonus: This is ten minus the character’s Beauty, if Beauty is less than 10. Otherwise, this is 0.
Special Abilities: If some basic abilities or attributes are very high or low, special abilities are gained. See the basic ability or attribute for a description of the special ability.
Learning: If Learning is greater than 16, there is a chance for photographic memory. If Learning is greater than 20, there is a special Chance to Ask.
Charisma: If charisma is greater than 19, there is a chance to charm. If charisma is less than 0, there is a chance to horrify.
Beauty: High Beauties can charm. Low Beauties can horrify and terrify.
Experience: This starts out at zero. The player adds all editing points ever used here. If 1 editing point is used to increase Evade Attacks from level 0 to level 1, 1 point is added to Experience. Training points gained from practicing (see Training Points) are not added to Experience.
Editing Points: The character starts the game with 4 Editing Points. These Editing Points cannot be used for training until the first game session is completed. They can be used to modify Action Rolls during the first game.
If the character is experienced, multiply the editing points gained from adventures by the Editing Point Multiplier, before recording them here. See Editing Points, under Metarules, as well as the Hero’s Guide.
Ignore Damage: This score is zero for most people. It is increased by certain powers--such as Ignore Damage.
Fate Points: Characters start the game with 2 Fate Points. Characters gain 1 Fate Point for every 10 issues (game sessions) they appear in. Non-player character Specials (and Pets) start the game with 0 Fate Points, but gain them at the normal rate.
Forgotten Knowledge: Your character knows more than you think. Add your character’s true age to your character’s learning. You can put this many points into Knowledge Scores when needed. Immortals tend to have quite a bit of forgotten knowledge.
This measures knowledge that you forgot your character knew. You have to come up with a reason for the knowledge at the same time you use the points. If you can’t remember how you got the knowledge, you don’t remember that you have the knowledge. You can only make the increase (or gain the ‘new’ knowledge) when the increase is necessary.
%Recognition: This is the percentage of the normal population that recognizes your character. For most characters, this starts at zero. However, consult your Editor if you know of any reason it should be different for your character.