A Men and Supermen Adventure Outline
Copyright 1998 Jerry Stratton
January 30, 2012
- Editor’s History
- This story begins 16 years ago1, early in the morning on October 30. Janice and Melias Kramer, and their year-old daughter Andrea were on vacation in the Allegheny Mountains, near the border of Virginia and West Virginia.
- The True Story
- The above information will only be found if the heroes have access to records, either from a computer hook-up to government computers, or from contacts in the government, or some other method of finding very old information. Of course, it won’t come automatically. The right questions must be asked.
- The Villains
- The villain in the story is Jasmine Oil. About 1 month ago, Jasmine Oil representative William Vider offered Melias Kramer $500,000 to buy the land he owns. Melias refused. Andrea balked, but respects her father’s decision. She doesn’t know about her father’s powers or his strange ward, thinking him simply a strange but lovable old man.
- How To Bring The Characters Into The Story
- One or two of your heroes will be walking down a street in New York. All of a sudden, a teen-age girl (Andrea) will run out of a doorway, pushing past the heroes, and dart into an alley. Then three men (the thugs) dressed in dark blue suits and wearing dark glasses will chase after her. The Editor must roll a perception roll for each of the heroes. If they make the roll, they will catch a glimpse of a gun beneath the jacket of one of the men. The…
- A Taste of Jasmine: Timetable
- William Vider must acquire the Forest for Jasmine Oil. However, there must be no publicity. So far this has not been a problem, for Melias wants the same thing. With the intervention of the heroes, however, he will begin to worry a little.
- A Taste of Jasmine: Epilogue
- Jasmine Oil: Upon the destruction of their makeshift research station, Jasmine Oil will give up—here. There are other areas where such research can take place, although it will take somewhat more work. They will file away the experience for later use.
- A Taste of Jasmine: Appendix
- Appendix in A Taste of Jasmine
- A Taste of Jasmine (full HTML)
- HTML version of A Taste of Jasmine
- A Taste of Jasmine (full PDF) (1023.3 KB)
- PDF version of A Taste of Jasmine
- A Taste of Jasmine (full RTF) (1014.9 KB)
- RTF version of A Taste of Jasmine
- ZIP Resources for A Taste of Jasmine (15.2 MB)
- Resources for A Taste of Jasmine, including samples and document graphics.