
No matter who does the work, everybody who plays that adventure gets Editing Points. Why? Anything that increases the exposure of one member of the group increases the exposure of the rest of the group.

In general, one page of double-spaced work is worth 1 Editing Point. Non-written work gives equivalent Editing Points as decided by the Editor.

There are multipliers applied to the Editing Points gained, depending on how useful the work is. If the work is done from the viewpoint of the player’s character, there is a multiplier of 1.1. If the Editor accepts the work as existing in the campaign world, there is a multiplier of 1.4. The Editor can also apply a multiplier of from .5 to 1.5, depending on how useful the Editor perceives the work to be.

Men and Supermen Editing Points are based on the concept that your character will grow more if more people read your comic. That’s why you get Editing Points for the amount of time you spend playing your character. A character who appears in two comic books, a couple of limited series, an animated cartoon on Saturdays, and a feature film will have more skills and background than a character who just appears once in the middle of another group’s comic. No matter what the characters actually do.

Characters can also receive Editing Points for game work their players do. A player can draw a group photo of the supergroup, or get together with other players and write a history of the group.

The Editor determines how many Editing Points are received. Divide by the number of characters who get Editing Points. Each character gets this many Editing Points. The character(s) of the player(s) who did the work will receive double the Editing Points. So, if all players worked on it, the effective Editing Points for the work is doubled.

Example: Exposing Professor Star

Professor Star’s player writes a book report on “The Penguin Abridged History of Time,” as if Professor Star had written it in 3rd grade. The book report is two pages. That makes 2 Editing Points. It was written by Professor Star, so that’s times 1.1, and the Editor accepts it as existing in the campaign world, so that’s times 1.4. The Editor gives it a usefulness multiplier of 1, the standard. So, the total Editing Points are 2.64. There are 4 players in the current game adventure, so the Training Points are divided by 4, for .76 Editing Points each. Because Professor Star’s player wrote it, she gets double that, or 1.52 Editing Points.

While Professor Star’s player was writing the book report, the players of the Rainbow Wizard, Seraph, and Michael Doolittle write a 10 page history of their group’s origin, complete with art and newspaper clippings, as written by Spy Magazine. It is 10 pages, making it 10 Editing Points. The Editor accepts it as existing in the world, so that’s times 1.4. The Editor gives it a usefulness rating of 1.2, bringing the total Editing Points to 16.8. Divide this by 4 (the number of players in the game), for 4.2 Editing Points each. The Rainbow Wizard, Seraph, and Michael Doolittle each get double that, since their players worked on it. They each get 8.4 Editing Points.